The concept of prophet and its position in Avicenna’s political thought

Document Type : Research Paper


M.A. in Political Science Mufid University


This paper concerns with the way the concept of nabowwat [prophethood] develops in Avicenna’s political thought with regard to his ideas about ontology, celestial system, anthropology, and innovative theses such as Feyz [benignity] and Enayat [favor]. Undoubtedly, in the history of the development of Islamic philosophy which starts with the accompaniment of Farabi’s Hikmat [wisdom] and Shariat and proceeds towards the priority of Shariat, Avicenna is considered as a great philosopher after Farabi. The priority of Shariat emerges with expressing the priority of revelational knowledge over rational knowledge hidden in the concept of prophet. Avicenna’s political philosophy is not to prove the concept of nabowwat because it is considered as a priori and essential matter after which human society will appear. In this intellectual system all Islamic and Avicennian philosophical theories are in the service of nabowwat and try to find a non-traditionist rational position for explaining the political position of nabowwat in the time of the crisis of Islamic caliphate.
