The Generation of Citizenship Idea in Contemporary Iran in View of Political Philosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate professor of Islamic thought and culture institute



The discussion related to the idea of citizenship in contemporary Iran can be considered the issue regarding the development of modernity in contemporary Iran. In this regard, the success or failure of this idea should be regarded in the shadow of the triumph or failure of modernity in contemporary Iran. The consistence of modern citizenship in the West was reliant on the endeavor of the holders of modern political philosophy towards the inclusion of some of the most important modernist premises in relation to the human and his relationship with the nature as well as the government in the pivot of western common sense network. Of the most important premises related to the discussion on the modern citizenship was the idea of rightful person in natural status based on which the natural right of individual in natural conditions was prior to the regulation improving of the political status. In this regard, the fundamental issue in this article is investigating the failure of citizenship idea consistency around the civil element or the right-centeredness which was founded by Habez in the modern West. In this article, it is endeavored to state this research in political philosophy view not in historical-social or legal ones. In this view, the principle of “satiation’’ along with that of “force” determines the political characteristics and relations. This study tries to clarify that the rhetorical endeavor of illuminati to make a justified relationship between the idea of right and regulation was not that much successful. It is inferred that this lack of success is mostly related to the internal weakness of their rhetoric more than their misunderstanding of the foundations of modernity. This weak point could strengthen two basic predicaments; the first one was the inconsiderable role of the rightful person’s idea and the second one was the Rousseau radicalism within the framework of uncivil revolutionaries
