The political in the Arab world has been affected from fundamentalist and modernist schools of thought from Mohammad Ibn Abd-Alwahhab and Sayyid Jamaloddin Asadabadi, respectively . The present article has focused on the two contemparary repersentatives of these thoughts, namely, Said Ghótb and Malek Ibn Nabi. Although both of them intend to return to true Islam, but they are fundemantally different in terms of their convictions and worldviews. Fundematalism, from Said Ghótb's point of view is anti-intellect and denies any social issues in the context of materialism, civiliztions and modernity which have been taken from the West. He believed that materialism has no attention to spirituality and morality. On the other side religious modernism based on the thoughts of Malek Ibn Nabi, is an intellectual , pragmatical and critical Thought which believes that undevelopment is the most important issue of Muslem societies. He accepts that the western modernity has many positive lessons to learn. In fact religious fundemantalism works on forms, while the other one focuses on the essence of human issues in the two levels of internal affairs and confrontation with the West.
Movaseghi, S. A. (2000). Two Different Strategies in the Process of
Returning To lslam in The Arab World. Political Science, 3(Issue 12), 267-290.
Seyyed Ahmad Movaseghi. "Two Different Strategies in the Process of
Returning To lslam in The Arab World", Political Science, 3, Issue 12, 2000, 267-290.
Movaseghi, S. A. (2000). 'Two Different Strategies in the Process of
Returning To lslam in The Arab World', Political Science, 3(Issue 12), pp. 267-290.
Movaseghi, S. A. Two Different Strategies in the Process of
Returning To lslam in The Arab World. Political Science, 2000; 3(Issue 12): 267-290.