Wellayat-e Faqih in the Islamic Wisdom

Document Type : Research Paper


Tehran University


The political concept, Wellayat-e Faqih, is a political discourse, theory and system. This political theory and discourse is in line with the political discourse of Shiite Imamate and is legitimated in the domain of Islam. politics, and leadership in the Islamic political theory and system. The promotion of political and national efficiency is, now. the most important challenge in front of the theory and the political system of Wellayat-e Faqih. The explanation and realization of material, economic ,social, and modernist instrumental development concordant with socio-political balance in line with cultural, spiritual, and moral upgrade of man form its future perspective. Enquiring into the origin, and political and philosophical function of Wellayat-e Faqih will be helpful in finding its foundations especially in the political thoughts of Farabi, Khaje-Nassir-od-Din Toosi, Mulla Sadra, Allameh Na'ini, and Imam Khomeini.
