Wellat-e Faqih and the constitution

Document Type : Research Paper


MA in political sciences Baghir Al-Oloom Higher Education Institute


The significance of the constitution and Wellayat-e Faqih in the Islamic Republic of Iran resulted in the formation of different views about the powers of Walliy-e Faqih and the constitution. On account of Faqih's divine Legitimacy, some believe he is above the Law. Some others give the priority to the constitution, assuming there are contradictions in the shiite theology or Fiqh about Wellayat-e Faqih and the constitution. The last group, on the basis of a sociological perspective, believe that the practice of the holy prophet and the ten-year experience of Imam Khomeini clearly show that there is no contradiction in the powers and duties of walliy-e Faqih and the constitution.
