The foundations of Wellayat-e Faqih

Document Type : Research Paper


Bagher Al-Olum Higher Education Institute Political Sciences Department


The basic distinction among the approaches dealing with the conditions of the legitimacy of political systems lies in their foundations. The present paper is an attempt to elaborate on the foundations of the religious-Islamic-Shiite theory of political system based on the theory of Wellayat-e Faqih. Therefore, ontologically speaking, the paper examines two types of views of religions and religious people towards the beginning and end of the universe and the need for leading and showing the way to man. Humanistically speaking, the paper tries to analyze the extra-temporal views of the holly Koran to human being through the extra-temporal characteristics of man. In this part, it has been explained that men can acquire new features through their inherent features, and that man's free will to choose leads him to adopt a religious or non-religious policy. Afterwards, there is a discussion over pre-assumptions of political systems in the Islamic teachings.
