Ethical policies in the thoughts of Sadr ol-Mote'allehin

Document Type : Research Paper


Bagher ol-Olum Higher Education Institute Political Sciences Department


Political philosophy based on transcendental wisdom is a type of ethical, teleological, and thus, virtue-based philosophy. Among the significant characteristics of the virtue-based and transcendental politics dealt with in this paper are the depiction of the School of Guidance as opposed to the School of Power in the real of politics, an instrumental approach to man's worldly life to help him come close to God, God-basedness as opposed to the idea of a self-sufficient man, emphasis on man's being self-determined and as a result setting up a correspondence between the political system and the intrinsic wills of the people, the principle of Divine Leadership in three levels of the Prophets, the Saints ['Owliya'], and the Inheritors ['Owsiya'], and emphasis on the realization of the ethical virtues of the leaders, political system, law, institutions, structures, people, and behaviors.
