The relationship between Sharia and politics from the perspective of transcendental philosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


Al-Mostafa International University


The relationship between Sharia and politics has always been the concern of philosophers and religion researchers. Mulla Sadra, too, despite the assumption of Sufis and secularists who believe in the separation of the world and the hereafter, could soundly join them. In this way, he believes Sharia and politics are inseparable. Concerning the relationship between Sharia and politics, he substantially verifies such hypotheses as “objectivity-unity”, “objectivity-interaction”, and “teleological-instrumental.” To explain the subject the following questions are posed: Is there a unity between politics and Sharia? Is there an “objectivity-interaction” relationship between politics and Sharia? Is politics in the service of Sharia? Transcendental philosophy has answers to all the questions on the basis of its principles. The theoretical foundations of the relationship between Sharia and politics can help answer the questions. These foundations are as follows: the good of the existence, man’s position in the world, man’s soul being physical in existence and spiritual in survival, the essential motion of the soul, man’s free will, man’s civility, the necessity of sending prophets, and the relationship between the world and hereafter.
