A Different View towards the Relationship between Ethics and Politics

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate professor of politics, Allameh Tabatabaee University


The main issue of the present writing is in regard with the relationship between ethics and politics. Seeking for an appropriate answer and following the study of four-dimension relationships –separation of ethics from politics, following ethics from politics, duality of ethics and politics, unity of ethics and politics- it is illustrated that during the history of change in concept and the relations of power and politics in one hand as well as ethics and regulation on the other hand and also the long lasting trend of unity in the continuous years , in a period which has been talked about separation- politics become ethical through regulation. Due to lack of regulation to make politics ethical, the gradual return towards the unity of ethics and politics led to public demand.
In this regard the Islamic revolution of Iran in 1357 is of significant function. Today more than any other time, it is felt that how much politics and ethics are in need of one another. A long historical experience has taught to human that ethics and politics are two inevitable issues and the bilateral need makes these two necessities dependent to one another. Of course in spite of the internal politics in which this trend is identifiable and searchable, ethics and politics in the international level pass a parallel and dual path. 
