Religion and government

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of politics, Mofid University

2 Ph. D student of political thought, Islamic Azad University, central Tehran branch


The issue of the relationship between religion and government is of crucial importance in the area of political thought and it has been constantly discussed and reflected. The latest political thought of the west separated its way from the past on the basis of the discussion concerning this issue. Although this issue has initiated from religious modification, it became the issue of theorizing in view of conventionalist.
Through the study of this transformation, the present article has endeavored to accurately investigate the sort of view towards religion and government as well as the differences and similarities of the elements of social contract –Thomas Habz, John Luke, and John Jack Russo- in regard with the civil religion. The study of the relationship between religion and government in view of these three scholars illustrate that the authoritative ruler of Christian government, secular sovereignty, and civil religion are considered as a compound model of Habz, Luke and Russo extracted from religion and government. 
