Saudi Arabia and Hegemonic Encountering with Islamic Awareness in Persian Gulf -Case study: Bahrain-

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of politics, Ayatollah Borujerdi University


It is about three years that Islamic awareness has been prevalent in an extended area of Arabic world. Meanwhile, in Persian Gulf it has been provided an appropriate ground for the Islamic awareness due to non-democratic and opinionated structure and the existence of profound economic and social gaps. Whereas the geopolitics and geo-economic position of this area for the western world and the dominant system in these countries in line with the west has led to the westerns’ managing the Islamic awareness and their not letting it run into this sensitive area. One of the other reasons for the significance of Persian Gulf is its geographical proximity to the Islamic republic of Iran. Due to many reasons, the western world has prevented from the direct interference for the prevention from the prevalence of Islamic awareness in Persian Gulf. Some the elements of the area are responsible for this mission, such as Saudi Arabia which is of particular qualification. Meanwhile, Bahrain is of great role in Saudi Arabia being mostly affected by Islamic revolution and consequently Islamic awareness. Saudi Arabia has taken every political and military action to preserve the dominant system in Bahrain. This is in line with the prevention of consequences of Islamic awareness towards the annihilation of conservative rulers in Persian Gulf.
 Through the theories of “hegemony” and “mahar-control” this article has analyzed the position of Saudi Arabia on behalf of the universal system of domination in encountering with the Islamic awareness in Persian Gulf particularly Bahrain. 
