The Function of Political Thematology in Imam Khomeini’s Jurisprudential Method and Responding to Political Issues

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph. D in political sciences, Baqir al-Olum University


Through the secondary study of Imam Khomeini’s jurisprudential school, it is stated that there exist four elements of ‘statement’, ‘issue’, ‘method’, and ‘deeds of responsible individuals’ in it. These elements holding particular imaginative and affirmable principles are set into a logical action and reaction and they lead to the generation of qualified political thought. According to the author of this writing, it is claimed that Imam Khomeini’s jurisprudential style purifies the political developed issues inside the social- political complicated institutions and systems to identify its covert and intricate aspects and to generate the political - jurisprudential thought relying on the religious statements.
In view of Imam, the nature of social-political decrees being observant of social-political act is hidden within the flowing ground of time as well as the systematic relations of the issue. What distinguishes Imam’s jurisprudence from the prevalent one is the exclusion of political jurisprudence from the jurisprudential, abstract, individual thematology circle and its directing towards a systematic and governmental domain. Accordingly, it can be stated that the language of “Imam’s dynamic jurisprudence” is the language of referring to the systematic social phenomena and matters.  
