Molla Sadra’s Utopia, Quiddity, principles and properties

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D student of Islamic philosophy

2 Associate professor of Baqir al-olum University


The utopia being considered as a significant issue in the political thought is of various functions. Molla Sadra takes advantage of utopia to criticize the present political status and present the alternative pattern. In the utopia of Molla Sadra, the citizen and regulation are of great importance so that the society can not be fulfilled without any of them; however the most significant of them is the executive system. In view of Molla Sadra, the utopia is the one in which the prophet, Imam or jurisprudent is considered the ruler. In this ideal city, besides the benefits and the other properties existent, the external and internal facets of world get a kind of concordance. On account of Living in this very society, the human is set in a path determined by the creation and his happiness will be authenticated.
