Refa’eh Tahtavi’s Political Thought in the Historical Context of Egypt in 19Th Centry, a Criticism on common interpretasion

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of history and civilization of Islamic nations, Shahid Beheshti University


Refa’eh Tahtavi is considered as one of the scholars of contemporary world. As an Alazhar seminary student in 1826, he directed the students sent to Paris and was settled there for some years. After returning, he considerably endeavored for decades to improve the status of farmer group and modify the training system, and then he passed away a little after the immigration of Seyed Jamaleddin Asadabadi to Egypt. Within the domain of political thought, it has been attributed two diverse attitudes to him. In one hand, the author of the Britannica encyclopedia has regarded him as a theorist who has been dedicated to the royal system without considering any right for the farmers.
Ahmad Amin and Mohammad al- Bahi have not deemed her to be the innovators of that era. On the other hand, Albert Hurani and following him, Hamid Enayat and Hassan Hanafi, have introduced him as the pioneers of political innovation.
This article is to answer this issue related to classifying Tahtavi’s political thought whether in the domain of the Islamic political thoughts or in that of the political innovation.
