The Responsibility of Democratic Government Pertaining to the Political Cooperation of People in View of Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of politics department, Mofid University


Government as a sociological and a cooperative phenomenon takes in the relationship of commanders and obedients. In religious view, the two parts of this relationship are of determined rights and assignments. Up to now, it has been deeply concentrated on the rights of commanders and the duties of people, and conversely it has been ignored the rights of people and rulers’ responsibilities. In view of Holy Quran, government is of common affairs and people as rulers are shared with it. Accordingly, the government is regarded legitimate provided that the contribution of people in the process of political decision making is guaranteed, if not it is deemed to be illegitimate. In line with the approval of the hypothesis through the model of Qur’anic and ideal community in which people are mature, literate, prudent, equal and not classified, and they live through the cooperation, co- assistance and public Wilayat, it has been endeavored to discuss the responsibility making political right of religious government and commanders by taking advantage of seven principles, theories and concentrating on the verse of Showra-consultation- within the chapter of Aal e- Emran. It is concluded that the present democratic governments, in which the active cooperation of people in the political domain has been facilitated, are considered more legitimate than the other ones, in which there is the least ground towards taking the political rights of people, and any kind of agreement with the guarantee of political right of people concerning the more possible contribution of them in the process of decision making is legally and legitimately required on behalf of the governor.
