The Study of the Development of Scientific Selfie Movement in Egypt in 70’s A.C

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph. D Student of Isfahan University

2 Assistant professor of Isfahan University


Selfie is considered as a movement among Muslims and it believes in absolute obedience from selfism action which had been done by the Sunnite Muslims of the first centuries.
Meanwhile, Selfi trend is not united and coherent and it has internally developed diverse movements. One of the most significant internal trends of Selfieh is the scientific Selfieh trend or Albany developed in the second half of 20th century by Sheikh Mohammad Albany in Syria and Saudi Arabia. This trend entered this country simultaneous with the success of Selfi thoughts in Egypt in 70s A.C. The main thought of this movement was that Muslims are not aware of the truth of Islam and they should attempt to re-identify Islam via true traditions and any political activities should be avoided.
In this writing, it has been considered the thoughts, the mode of development, the spread of this movement in Egypt, as well as the effective people and centers on this spread. This research was done through library research, and it has been taken benefits of the main resources, researches, studies, autobiographies and biographies of people.
In this research, the following results have been achieved: 1. this movement was developed in Eskandariyeh; since, this city was the second mega city of Egypt and the location for the activities of the other Selfi populations; 2. given that this movement was developed in university, it had tendency towards Selfieh scientific party; 3. its leaders were originally urban and not rural migrators; 3. these leaders were attracted by the Selfi thought in the low ages.
