The Favorable and Unfavorable Political System in Holy Quran on the Basis of Abolfazl e- Zanjani’s Interpretation - 1279-1371 after Hijrah-

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of Politics, Mofid University


In the present article, it has been reflected on the indexes of Favorable and unfavorable Political system with the emphasis on the interpretations of Seyed Abolfazl Zanjani. 
The tendency towards Consultation, freedom, awareness, justice, considering human’s rights, following rules and regulations, are considered the Favorable Political system in accordance with the Holy Quran while no possibility of criticism, superficiality, being inconsiderate towards the expense of public treasury, blind obedience, being suspicious towards the political cons, and making separation among nation are considered as the indicators of unfavorable Political system.  
In this research, it has been utilized the method of intellectual history. In view of Zanjani, in the present community there exists the possibility of developing a Favorable Political system based on Holy Quran calibrated with the consultative content as well as the structure of political parliamentary system.
