Takfir Ideology; Characteristics and the Ways of Dealing with it

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate professor of Islamic culture and thought


The idea of new Islamic order developed by Selfie radical groups is considered as the most significant current challenge in the world of Islam as well as the modern governments which has been detected again within the historical tradition of jihad. The main purpose of these groups was the substitution of Islamic caliphate instead of secular governments on the basis of order and Westphalia agreement. This idea which is of numerous followers in the current generation of Selfies, is regarded a new phenomenon with the traditional language and completely new content. Although the trend of takfiri Selfie follows the cultural piety of Dar- al- Islam and avoids joining with any cultural modernity and pluralism manifestations, it is a way of holding jihad and submitting the Muslim resident areas which is not of any background in the tradition and conduct of Prophet Mohammad PBUH. If in the 19th century AC, jihad was regarded as a pattern against the foreign colonialism; today, it is not a means of defense but a means of providing new order on the basis of caliphate. The realization of this order is difficult and in need of self-sacrifice of militia in this regard. The important point is that this wish change the thought of Muslims and convince them towards the annihilation of national governments and make them equipped for foundation of Islamic order all over the world.
So, the most important question is how takfiri Selfie has changed the content of jihad and made itself distinguished from Sunnite systems of jurisprudence. For this reason, in the present article is to identify some of theses changes and investigate the most important strategies to deal with it.
