John Stuart Mill and the uniqueness Liberty-Limiting Principle

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor at Qom University

2 Ph.D. Ethics. Qom University


British liberal-philosopher John Stuart Mill, in his book On Liberty, based on the notion of harm, sought to provide and present a Liberty-Limiting Principle towards limiting the domain of authority and the interference of government in the private domain of citizens and the determination / limitation of the boundaries of individual freedoms that today called “The harm principle
The efforts and reflections of J.S. Mill in this and his inventive principle, although widely praised or accepted, have been considered as one of the pivotal principles of liberalism. Since the design and formulation, but the concept of harm and content of this principle is always controversial and even some libertarian advocates, after acknowledging the shortcomings and deficiencies, sought to reconsider and provide a consistent and coherent version of this principle.
In this paper, after referring to Mill’s presuppositions in the formulation and development of harm principle, The basis and claim of this principle have been reviewed and criticized, and its place in the structure of the Mill’s liberal and utilitarian approach has been examined
