The Efforts of Ekhvan ol- Moslemin in Egypt Following Coup detat, from the Internal Break Down to Probable Division

Document Type : Research Paper


Political Science,Faculty of Politics and Economics. Tehran, Iran. University of Shahid Beheshti


The collapse of Ekhvani government of Egypt leaded by Mohammad Morsi following the coup detat of the army in 2013 has challenged this government and generally the future of Islam in this country.
The present writing is to investigate the status of Ekhvan following coup detat, various trends in this organization as well as the possibility and way of its breaking down in this organization. Besides the classification of the current tendencies and the internal classification of ekhvan, it is to answer the question related to the possibility of renewed development of Ekhvan. Furthermore, it investigates the possibility of alteration of Ekhvan as well as the amendment in the paradigm of action of this group towards the Islamic jihadi radicalization.
The present writing is to study the effect of these variables including the internal, regional and international factors on the future and organization of Ekhvan.
Accordingly, it briefly considers Ekhvan’s effort in relation with the international orientation. Lastly, it investigates the scenarios of this group pertaining to the internal policy of Egypt following the consideration of how and why of the possibility of organizational detachment in Ekhvan group and potential of its divisions.
The research method is of library type done by the analysis of primary texts and documents, the discourse of major characters of Ekhvan, interviews with people, Ekhvani people in charge as well as the political elites of Egypt.
In accordance with this writing, the utilization of a specific theory towards the recognition of present circumstances will not be helpful.
Considering the multidimensional and plural entity of the present study, the researcher suggests the necessity of a reflective- analytical- descriptive approach towards developing a model related to the reason of present situation without relying on a specific theory
