Favorable System in Political View of Haji Molla Hadi Sabzevari and Seyed Jafar Kashfi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph. D Candidate of Politics, Baqer al-Olum University

2 Instructor of Politics, Baqer al-Olum University


The Political system on the basis of Shiite Imamate is considered as a favorable system in the approach of philosophers of Qajar era. Shiite philosophers stated the pattern of favorable Shiite order by taking advantage of the at hand texts and considering the social and political conditions in their own time. This article analyzes the favorable order in political view of Haji Molla Hadi Sabzevari and Seyed Jafar Kashfi via the Skinner method. The goal of this writing is the study of the favorable order in view of Muslim philosophers on the basis of the authority of general representatives in the political and social era of revolution in Iran with the most ups and downs and it is against the views which disregard any thoughts in this era. The philosophical reflections of the philosophers in Qajar era particularly Haji Hadi Sabzevari and Kashfi related to the government, sovereignty and justice state the dynamicity of political thought of Shi’ah and the cooperation of Muslim philosophers with Qajar sultans and at times their disagreement with any relationships with sultans as the main actors in community declares their concern in regard with the growth of science of philosophy and the elevation of society
