The Elements of Being Impressed By Politics among Howzeh Clergymen and the Ways of Getting Free From It

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor in department of politics, Islamic thought and culture research center


Being impressed by politics is one of the issues stated along with the issue of revolutionariness and involvement in the domain of politics and considering the grand position of seminary schools, the investigation of its negative and challenging consequences is of double importance.
Being impressed by politics brings along the absolute partiality for a belief and political writing and unilateral analyses while this thought can be true or false, systematic or not. Accordingly, it is dominated an extremist view on theorizing and policy making of the target community and it leads to an atmosphere chaotic and deleterious for the person and society. The main question of this article is concerning the clergymen being impressed by politics and the strategies to get free from it and it has been presented this hypothesis that, thanks to the issues like change and flexibility, partiality, seeking for power and yearning for cooperation in politics, in spite of the spirit of science and piousness among clergymen, it is not the place of being impressed by politics. Nevertheless, it can be investigated the elements of this issue among some young clergymen in the matters like imitative analyses, belief in righteousness of oneself, monopolization, extremistbehaviors, as well as the actions against the religion and law. However, they can get from of being impressed by politics through giving the scientific awareness, increase of patience, strengthening the spirit of Ejtehad, liberal thinking, moderation and rationality.
