Jihadist groups’ approach to the clear text (Nas); referring directly to the clear text as a means to put together text and action

Document Type : Research Paper


Allameh Tabataba'i University



The purpose of the present research is to investigate how later jihadists’ approach to clear text works. The assumption of this research holds that later jihadists’ logic of understanding and method of referring to the clear text can contribute to their understanding and logic of their action. The elaboration of the mechanisms for an understanding leading to an immediate action, which is utilized by Takfiri-Jihadist groups, is a distinctive feature of the present research. The analysis is concerned with Takfiri Jihadist’s perception of the text and their expectation from it according to an analytical-descriptive method. The results showed that the discourse of Salafism sets its ultimate goals to make clear text operational. The discourse that finds the clear text to be the most undisputed part of religion aims at operationalizing it through certain mechanisms in line with their readings of the clear text and Salaf. They immediately refer to the clear text which is seen, from their point of view, as a source of the ideology justifying their jihadist action in an attempt to accomplish their missions. It views the clear text as the provenance of their ideology and legitimacy as well as a reference for justification, but at the same time, the discourse conceives of it as a concern and goal of jihadist action. Modern Salafism’s failure to adhere to the historical interpretations of the clear text has given rise to a solid and framed understanding built on the intrinsic nature of jihadist action. 
The purpose of the present research is to investigate how later jihadists’ approach to the clear text works. The assumption of this research holds that later jihadists’ logic of understanding and method of referring to the clear text can contribute to their understanding and logic of their action. The elaboration of the mechanisms for an understanding leading to an immediate action, which is utilized by Takfiri-Jihadist groups, is a distinctive feature of the present research. The analysis is concerned with Takfiri Jihadist’s perception of the text and their expectation from it according to an analytical-descriptive method. The results showed that the discourse of Salafism sets its ultimate goals to make the clear text operational. The discourse that finds the clear text to be the most undisputed part of religion aims at operationalizing it through certain mechanisms in line with their readings of the clear text and Salaf. They immediately refer to the clear text which is seen, from their point of view, as a source of the ideology justifying their jihadist action in an attempt to accomplish their missions. It views the clear text as the provenance of  their ideology and  legitimacy as well as a reference for justification, but at the same time the discourse conceives of it as a concern and goal of jihadist action. Modern Salafism’s failure to adhere to the historical interpretations of the clear text has given rise to a solid and framed understanding built on the intrinsic nature of jihadist action. 


Article Title [العربیة]

اتّجاه الجماعات الجهادیة تجاه النصّ: اللجوء المباشر إلى النصّ باعتباره أُسلوباً لمزج النصّ بالعمل

Abstract [العربیة]

یهدف البحث الحاضر إلى مناقشة طریقة تعامل الجهادیین المتأخرین مع النصّ. افتراض البحث یرتکز على أنّه من الممکن أن یؤثّر منطق الفهم وطریقة وأُسلوب لجوء الجهادیّین المتأخّرین إلى النصّ فی فهم وتشخیص منطق عملهم وفعلهم. وما یمیّز البحث المقدّم هو وصف آلیّة الفهم المنتهی إلى العمل المعجّل لدى الجماعات التکفیریة - الجهادیة. وقد نجز التحلیل لفهم الجهادیّین التکفیریّین من النصّ وتوقّعاتهم منه بالأُسلوب الوصفی والتحلیلی، وکشفت النتائج عن أنّ خطاب السلفیّة فی تقدیره لهدفه النهائی یرى أنّه تطبیق للنصّ. ویسعى هذا الخطاب - الذی یعتبر النصّ الجزء الأکثر خلوصاً من الشوائب فی الدین - فی تفعیل النصّ عبر آلیّات تتوافق وقراءته من النصّ والسلف. ویکون النصّ ملجأً مباشراً لهم حیث ینظرون إلیه باعتباره مصدراً أیدیولوجیاً ومبرّراً لفعلهم الجهادی فی سبیل تحقیق رسالتهم المزعومة. وفی ذات الوقت الذی یرى هذا الخطاب النصّ فیه أساساً للأیدیولوجیا ومصدراً للشرعیة ومرجعاً للتبریر والتسویغ، فإنّه یرى فیه هاجساً وهدفاً للعمل الجهادی کذلک. وقد أدّى عدم التزام السلفیّة الحدیثة بالتفاسیر التاریخیة من النصّ إلى تبلوُر فهمٍ متحجّرٍ ومؤطَّرٍ على أساس موضوعیّة الفعل الجهادی.

Keywords [العربیة]

  • النصّ
  • الجهادیّین
  • التطرّف
  • السلفیّة
  • التکفیر
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