American strategic policy-making, Iran's strategic policy-making, Southwest Asia, the national role of Iran's regional power, the national role of the regional hegemon of America.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in political science, public policy, South Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 full Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (corresponding author).

3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



Iran's strategic policy-making against America's regional actions has been a function of the structural features of the international system as well as the pattern of action of emerging regional actors. Since the United States plays the role of a great world power in international politics, it takes advantage of the mechanisms of aggressive action in the regional environment. International relations theorists point to the fact that great powers will seek "regional hegemony". Achieving such goals will require the use of an action model based on "regional empowerment" and the use of "coalition-building and balancing tactics" against regional actors and America's aggressive action in Southwest Asia. Iran has also taken advantage of the "national role of regional power" and "strategic direction of resistance against the aggressive policy of the United States" to counter America's regional actions and policies. Iran's strategy to achieve such goals is based on "asymmetrical conventional deterrence" in Southwest Asia. The main goal of the research is to analyze the national power indicators of America and Iran in Southwest Asia. The evaluations show that the United States has played the "national role of global power" and Iran has played the "national role of regional power" in Southwest Asia. Since every major world power should promote its sphere of power in the regional environment, based on this, signs of conflict have arisen in the field of strategic policy-making between Iran and the United States.