What are the principles of government jurisprudence

Document Type : Research Paper





Today, with the evolution of social systems and the increasing development of human life and the complexity of issues, jurisprudence has faced a lot of issues, and responding to them in line with the administration and supervision of the social system of the religious society, will require a change of view towards jurisprudence on a governmental scale. Was. With the change of approaches towards jurisprudence and moving towards large, stable and dynamic jurisprudence, the need for the principles of jurisprudence will be felt more and more. In this scale, it has not been mentioned, while the achievement of governmental jurisprudence will pass through the corridor of fundamental studies in the scale of principles of governmental jurisprudence.This research, in order to answer what the principles of governmental jurisprudence are, by using the analytical descriptive method regarding the philosophy of the principles of jurisprudence, has reached the belief that the principles of governmental jurisprudence, while not being separate from the criteria of the traditional principles of jurisprudence, is an approach that looks at how to infer The rulings are at the level of the management of the society as a whole and therefore, it can have fundamental distinctions compared to the principles of traditional jurisprudence.
