نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی
عضو هیات علمی
عنوان مقاله [English]
نویسنده [English]
The purpose of this study is to investigate how civilization as an emerging phenomenon is influential in the international system. The research method is descriptive-analytical, and the data were collected with library method. The result of this research was an understanding of how a civilized state put to work and its difference with other actors (say, a national state), and how they react in the contemporary international system. The knowledge outcome of the procedural analysis of civilization influence in the world’s order and demonstration of such a process leads us to consider the necessity of the level of civilization analysis or civilization theories. For civilization actors, the continuation of reacting in territorial and national situation is perilous and render part of the capacity of the actors’ silent, leading to the reemergence of the experience of the early twentieth century in Iran, Turkey, etc. Remaining in national state and territorial state both at domestic and foreign policy cause part of the influential resources of the states to be withdrawn from operational cycle. Maintaining specified limit and boundaries on a national and territorial reading basis accounts for a particular type of cessation, as components of identity tend to be externalized as much as possible. Understanding how a civilized state emerges can lead us to an understanding of a civilized state’s reaction in the international relations, contributing to the way peace is secured in a particular region or in the international system and the world’s order, and the buildup of convergence level.
The purpose of this study is to investigate how civilization as an emerging phenomenon is influential in the international system. The research method is descriptive-analytical, and the data were collected with library method. The result of this research was an understanding of how a civilized state put to work and its difference with other actors (say, a national state), and how they react in the contemporary international system. The knowledge outcome of the procedural analysis of civilization influence in the world’s order and demonstration of such a process lead us to consider the necessity of the level of civilization analysis or civilization theories. For civilization actors, the continuation of reacting in territorial and national situation is perilous and render part of the capacity of the actors’ silent, leading to the reemergence of the experience of the early twentieth century in Iran, Turkey, etc. Remaining in national state and territorial state both at domestic and foreign policy cause part of the influential resources of the states to be withdrawn from operational cycle. Maintaining specified limit and boundaries on a national and territorial reading basis accounts for a particular type of cessation, as components of identity tend to be externalized as much as possible. Understanding how a civilized state emerges can lead us to an understanding of a civilized state’s reaction in the international relations, contributing to the way peace is secured in a particular region or in the international system and the world’s order, and the buildup of convergence level.
کلیدواژهها [English]
عنوان مقاله [العربیة]
الدولة الحضاریة والفعّالیة فی العلاقات الدولیة
چکیده [العربیة]یهدف البحث الراهن إلى دراسة طریقة تأثیر الحضارة باعتبارها ظاهرة مستحدثة فی النظام الدولی. منهج البحث هو المنهج الوصفی والتحلیلی وطریقة جمع البیانات هی طریقة البحث المکتبی. ناتج البحث هو فهم طریقة وساطة الدولة الحضاریة وافتراقها عن سائر اللاعبین (مثل الدولة القومیة) وأُسلوب فعّالیة الجمیع فی النظام الدولی المعاصر. یقودنا ما نتج علمیّاً لتحلیل عملیة التأثیر من قبل الحضارة على النظم العالمی، والتدلیل على وجود مثل هذه العملیة، إلى ضرورة مستوى التحلیل للحضارة أو النظریات الحضاریة. إنّ الاستمرار فی الفعّالیة للاعبی الحضارة فی الواقع الوطنی والقومی لأمر مُحدَق بالمخاطر، ومدعاة لإغفال شطر من قدرات هؤلاء اللاعبین، وأخیراً مسبب لإعادة تجربة بدایات القرن العشرین فی إیران وترکیة وغیرهما. یؤدّی التلبّث فی واقع دولة الأُمّة ودولة الوطن، سواء على صعید السیاسة الداخلیة والسیاسة الخارجیة، إلى خروج شطر من الموارد المؤثّرة على هذه الدول من دورة الاستثمار. کما تمهّد صیانة وحفظ الحدود والثغور المحدَّدة وفقاً للقراءة القومیة والوطنیة - فی وقت تنزع مکوّنات الهویة إلى منتهى الانفتاح - تمهّد لضربٍ خاصّ من الإحجام. وبإمکان فهم کیفیة نشوء دولة الأُمّة أن یأخذ بأیدینا إلى فهم فعّالیة دولة الأُمّة فی العلاقات الدولیة، وتوجیهنا إلى طریقة إحلال السلام فی منطقة ما أو فی النظام الدولی والنظم العالمی وتعزیز مستوى التقارب.
کلیدواژهها [العربیة]