Keyword Index


  • Abed al-Jabri A Comparative Critical Analysis of Jabri’s Arabic Reason and Arkoun’s Islamic Reason, and their Political Implications [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 183-206]
  • Absence Period Making Shiite ijtihad jurisprudence and the issue of power with emphasis on the jurisprudential school of Baghdad and Hilla [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 79-100]
  • Absolute Velayat The Process of Ideation Analysis around the Representative of the (office of) of the Supreme Leader in the second period of the Islamic Republic [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 7-34]
  • Absolute Wilayat Absoluteness and Determination of Political Sovereignty [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2016, Pages 33-64]
  • Accountability The role of neighborhoodism in achieving the characteristics of good governance (Case study: Social councils of Mashhad neighborhoods) [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 143-164]
  • Administrative Decentralization The role of neighborhoodism in achieving the characteristics of good governance (Case study: Social councils of Mashhad neighborhoods) [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 143-164]
  • Afghanistan The issue of "legitimacy" in the thought and record of Islamists following Velayat-e-Faqih in Afghanistan [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 101-124]
  • Afghanistan An Account of Iran’s Economic Diplomacy Strategy in Post-Taliban Afghanistan [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 268-300]
  • Ahmed Raza Khan Decoding Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi’s Political Jurisprudence [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 7-26]
  • Akhondzadeh The forerunners of secularism in Iran [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 245-260]
  • Alawi Culture Cultural justice; an element of the Alawi government [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 47-72]
  • Alawi Government Youthism in Imam Ali (A.S.) Government [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 95-118]
  • Alawi Sira The Link between Justice and Moderation in Islamic Political Ethics With an emphasis on the Alawi Sira [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 25-46]
  • Alawi Spirituality The capacities of Alawi spirituality in the realization of social justice [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 7-24]
  • Alawite rule Institutionalization of the Prophetic tradition in Alawite rule [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 31-50]
  • Alawit thought Political Supervision on Power in Alawit Thought [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 7-32]
  • Allameh Ja’fari “Pioneer Culture” in the Body of Policy and Metropolis [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 147-168]
  • Allameh Jafari The Criterion of Human Dignity in the Thoughts of Kant and Allameh Jafari; within the Framework of Three Humanist, Adjunct and Potential Humanity Theories [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 91-118]
  • Allameh Tabatabaei The Link between Justice and Moderation in Islamic Political Ethics With an emphasis on the Alawi Sira [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 25-46]
  • Almohad Caliphate Ibn Tufail’s political thought [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2018, Pages 39-60]
  • Al-Qaeda Seyyed Qutb and the contemporary Islamism [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 171-190]
  • Al-Qaedah Jihad: From Ibn Taymiyyah to Bin Laden [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2006, Pages 169-194]
  • Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula The War between Yemen and Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula (2016-2015) [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 129-149]
  • American election system A comparative analysis of election systems in religious democratic and liberal democratic systems [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 217-238]
  • Andalusia The political thought of Averroes [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 239-268]
  • Annapolis Successive peace treaties for the gradual elimination of Palestinian identity 1978-2007 [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 183-212]
  • Ansar Allah Movement A Crisis-Based Approach to the Intellectual Backgrounds of the Establishment of Ansar Allah Movement in Yemen [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 143-160]
  • Anthropology The foundations of Wellayat-e Faqih [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 175-201]
  • Anthropology Mulla Sadra and Martin Heidegger: An anthropological analysis in political philosophy [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 23-51]
  • Anthropology Anthropology in Transcendental Political Philosophy [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 105-138]
  • Anthropology Ethical Policy in Thoughts of Afzaloddin Kashani [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2014, Pages 91-116]
  • Anwar Suhayli A Comparative Analysis of the Critical Dialogues with the Power in the Section of the King and Fanza in Translations and Paraphrases of Kalila and Demna (The Stories of Bidpai, Bahramshahi Kalila and Demna, and Anwar Suhayli) [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 113-138]
  • Arab countries An Analysis of the Relations between Persian Gulf Arab Countries and Israel from Divergence to Convergence [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 204-232]
  • Arab countries The Performance of the Arab League Regarding the Situation in Syria: From Membership Suspension to Reinstatement [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 167-194]
  • Arabic coalition The War between Yemen and Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula (2016-2015) [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 129-149]
  • Arabic countries Islamic Wakefulness and the Foreign Policy of Islamic Republic of Iran, Opportunities, Threats and Strategies [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2016, Pages 145-168]
  • Arabic reason Interpreting the criticism of the Arabic reason in the thoughts of Muhammad Abed Jaberi [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 231-253]
  • Arabic reason A Comparative Critical Analysis of Jabri’s Arabic Reason and Arkoun’s Islamic Reason, and their Political Implications [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 183-206]
  • Arab League The Performance of the Arab League Regarding the Situation in Syria: From Membership Suspension to Reinstatement [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 167-194]
  • Arab world Political-social deprivations; a sociological context of modern extremism [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2018, Pages 133-156]
  • Arab world Identity Crisis; Contemporary intellectual context of extremism (jihadi Salafis) [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 151-171]
  • Ardashir’s covenant Political Thought in Sassanid Texts [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 101-122]
  • Argumentative analysis An Argumentative Analysis of the Essential Features of the Islamic Revolution from the perspective of Contemporary Political Wisdom [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 78-116]
  • Aristotle Social justice and its relation to distributive justice [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 7-24]
  • Armah Models of democracy [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2002, Pages 255-269]
  • Armah Models of democracy [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 255-270]
  • Art Application of the Discourse of Commitment and the Problem of Autonomy in the Iranian Paintings of 1960s and 1970s [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 147-172]
  • Asefi Issue of Power in Holy Quran in View of the Interpretation of “Fi Rihab al- Quran al-karim” by Ayatollah Asefi [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2014, Pages 7-27]
  • Ash’ari The Position and the Role of Asha’ri pertaining to the Foundation of Sunnites’ Political Theology [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2013, Pages 55-82]
  • Asharites The Position and the Role of Asha’ri pertaining to the Foundation of Sunnites’ Political Theology [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2013, Pages 55-82]
  • Authoritarian Government Obstacles to the realization of freedom in society from the perspective of the Quran [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 79-98]
  • Averos The political thought methodology of the west of the Islamic civilization [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2002, Pages 67-95]
  • Averos The political thought methodology of the west of the Islamic civilization [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 67-95]
  • Averroes The political thought of Averroes [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 239-268]
  • Avesta Political Thought in Sassanid Texts [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 101-122]
  • Avicenna The concept of prophet and its position in Avicenna’s political thought [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2007, Pages 141-170]
  • Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Iran's Foreign Policy Requirements in the Second Step Statement [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 175-200]
  • Ayatollah Khamenei .The Proposed Paradigm for the Statement of Ayatollah Khamenei’s Religious Democracy Theory [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 55-74]
  • Ayatollah Khamenei The Theory of Government in the Political View of Supreme Leader [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2018, Pages 145-166]
  • Ayatollah Khamenei The soft power capacity of the Islamic Republic in the face of international challenges; Emphasizing the thought of the leaders of the Islamic Revolution [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 129-150]
  • Ayatollah Khamenei Reading political culture from Ayatollah Khamenei’s opinion [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 126-150]
  • Ayatollah Khamenei An Analysis of the Theme of Jihad in Ayatollah Khamenei’s View [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 75-106]
  • Ayatollah Khamenei Use of Public Diplomacy by the Supreme Leader of Iran in the Islamic Awakening Movement [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 77-100]
  • Ayatollah Khuee The Political Action of Ayatollah Khuee with Ba'ath Party in Iraq [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2018, Pages 127-151]
  • Ayatollah Sistani The Role of Imam Musa Sadr and Ayatullah Sistani in Regard with the political coherence of Multicultural society of Lebanon and Iraq [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 61-82]


  • Baghdad School of Jurisprudence Making Shiite ijtihad jurisprudence and the issue of power with emphasis on the jurisprudential school of Baghdad and Hilla [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 79-100]
  • Bahrain Saudi Arabia and Hegemonic Encountering with Islamic Awareness in Persian Gulf -Case study: Bahrain- [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 133-156]
  • Bahramshahi A Comparative Analysis of the Critical Dialogues with the Power in the Section of the King and Fanza in Translations and Paraphrases of Kalila and Demna (The Stories of Bidpai, Bahramshahi Kalila and Demna, and Anwar Suhayli) [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 113-138]
  • Balance of Power Russia’s goals and security strategy for the Syrian crisis [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 143-168]
  • Barelvi Schoo Decoding Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi’s Political Jurisprudence [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 7-26]
  • Barjam Analytical ability of structural and institutional theory to analyze Iran's activism in the two events of "nationalization of the oil industry" and "Barjam" [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 79-100]
  • Ba’ath party The Political Action of Ayatollah Khuee with Ba'ath Party in Iraq [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2018, Pages 127-151]
  • Basic Theory The role of government in establishing institutions of political socialization from the perspective of Nahj al-Balagha [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 7-34]
  • BBC Ideological Representations in Media: A Study of the Media Coverage of the Developments of JCPOA after America’s Exist until Iran’s Final Steps in Reducing Its Commitments [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 107-130]
  • B.B.C. 3 An analysis of political discourses in the media [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 65-93]
  • BBC Persian Reading the strategic confrontation of Persian-language networks with the theory of resistance (with emphasis on BBC Persian and Manoto) [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 175-200]
  • Behavior of the Wise Validity of the council in fatwas and rulings [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 51-75]
  • Being impressed by politics The Elements of Being Impressed By Politics among Howzeh Clergymen and the Ways of Getting Free From It [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2017, Pages 25-48]
  • Being Iranian Islamic Revolution of Iran and the Necessity of Theorizing [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 127-144]
  • Berlin A Critical Review on the Bases of Freedom Justification in Liberal Thought [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 169-191]
  • Biden Comparative Middle-Eastern Policies of Trump and Biden: From Military Balance to Offshore Balance [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 237-269]
  • Bidpai stories A Comparative Analysis of the Critical Dialogues with the Power in the Section of the King and Fanza in Translations and Paraphrases of Kalila and Demna (The Stories of Bidpai, Bahramshahi Kalila and Demna, and Anwar Suhayli) [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 113-138]
  • Birmingham school Comparative Study of the Critical School of Frankfort and the Cultural Studies of Birmingham [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 87-112]
  • Biruni The theoretical foundations of Abo-Reyhan Biruni's political thought [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 149-169]
  • Branding National Branding of Religion and Islamic Republic of Iran, the Discourse of Inside Self Confidence and the Management of International Eminence [Volume 20, Issue79, 2017, Pages 103-132]
  • Britain Britain's Middle East policy in the post Brexit period Case study: British-Israeli relations [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 99-126]
  • Bu Ali Sina The role of immaculacy in the political thoughts of Bu Ali Sina [Volume 7, issue 26, 2004, Pages 105-115]


  • Camp David Successive peace treaties for the gradual elimination of Palestinian identity 1978-2007 [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 183-212]
  • Catt Models of democracy [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2002, Pages 255-269]
  • Catt Models of democracy [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 255-270]
  • Chantal Mouffe Application of the Discourse of Commitment and the Problem of Autonomy in the Iranian Paintings of 1960s and 1970s [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 147-172]
  • Chaos Melody of Peace Literature in Chaos Geopolitics [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 150-175]
  • Chaos geopolitics The polarization of regional security and the geopolitical Chaos in the Middle East [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 51-76]
  • Chinese Muslims Analysis of the attitude of governments in favor and against of Chinese government policies towards Xinjiang Muslims [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 147-168]
  • Chosen People The foundations of Zionism and Israel's ontological insecurity [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 75-100]
  • Civil disobedience Comparative Study of the Legitimacy of Disobedience of Tyrant Rulers in the Political Jurisprudence of Shi’ah and Sunnite [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 107-125]
  • Civilians The nature and typology of the principle of separation in war and jihad based on Islamic texts and international law [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 55-76]
  • Civilization Sayed Jamal's political, philosophical, and religious thought [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 212-221]
  • Civilization Najaf seminary schools’ attitude towards the idea of intellectualism [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 103-122]
  • Civilization Government Civilized state and reaction in international relations [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 7-34]
  • Civilization Identity Civilized state and reaction in international relations [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 7-34]
  • Civilizationism The contexts and necessities of realizing the modern Islamic civilization from the viewpoint the civilizationists [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 123-150]
  • Civilized by Nature Function of the anthropological approach to understanding of Muslim thinkers’ political ideaک Case study: Sheikh Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 119-142]
  • Civilized State "Divine unity" and "human multiplicity" from the perspective of political and civilizational theology [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 57-78]
  • Civilized Theology "Divine unity" and "human multiplicity" from the perspective of political and civilizational theology [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 57-78]
  • Civil Science Farabi's methodology of civil science [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 97-133]
  • Civil War Feasibility Study of ISIS's Return to Libya in the light of the Civil War [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 125-148]
  • Collective Responsibility Collective responsibility from Imam Ali’s point of view (AS) in Nahj al-Balagha [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 24-50]
  • Colonialism The ratio of "consciousness", "identity" and "power" in the problems of civilization in the Islamic world; (Examining the roots of the lack of "self-observation" among Muslim elites) [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 73-90]
  • Common aspects of public Common aspects of public in Naini thought [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 51-72]
  • Comparative Philosophy The forerunners of Shiite seminary schools in confronting with Western philosophy [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 155-182]
  • Concentration of Power The geometry (distribution and concentration) of power, citing the views of some contemporary jurisprudents [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 85-102]
  • Congregation Seyyed Qutb and the contemporary Islamism [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 171-190]
  • Constitutionalist era The Representation of Freedom in the Press during the Constitutionalist Era in Iran through van Leeuwen’s Model [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 222-245]
  • Constructed Identity The process of formation of "found" identity and "constructed" identity in Salafism and political Islam [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 35-60]
  • Content Analysis Analyzing the content of the concept “people” in Imam Khomeini’s political thought [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 7-34]
  • Content Analysis The Identity of Political Thought of Hafez, Rend e-Shiraz [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 69-90]
  • Content Analysis Designing a Model for the Political Intelligence of the Managers of Governmental Companies in terms of the Effective Governance Model [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 7-36]
  • Convergence The Religious and National Components of Soft Power of Iran Islamic Republic System [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2014, Pages 109-132]
  • Cooperation Explaining the principle of purposeful cooperation in the foreign policy of the Islamic State [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 7-30]
  • Credentials Analysis of the approval system of the credentials in the Islamic Consultative Assembly with emphasis on the optimal pattern [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 100-125]
  • Critical Thinking Islamic seminary schools’ capacity for intellectualism [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 9-28]
  • Cultural Engineering An Analysis of the Cultural Policy Making of the Islamic Republic of Iran: disadvantages and strategies; Emphasizing the concept of "authority" (Marjaiyyat) [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 159-178]
  • Cultural Materialism Melody of Peace Literature in Chaos Geopolitics [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 150-175]
  • Cultural Policy An Analysis of the Cultural Policy Making of the Islamic Republic of Iran: disadvantages and strategies; Emphasizing the concept of "authority" (Marjaiyyat) [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 159-178]
  • Cultural Politics Identity Politics and New Social Movements [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 119-140]
  • Cultural Rights Cultural justice; an element of the Alawi government [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 47-72]
  • Cultural studies Comparative Study of the Critical School of Frankfort and the Cultural Studies of Birmingham [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 87-112]
  • Culture of Ignorance Cultural justice; an element of the Alawi government [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 47-72]


  • Daesh Ideological Investigation of Takfiri-Vahabi Group of Iraq and Syria’s Islamic Government –DAESH- [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2013, Pages 133-154]
  • Dar Al-Harb War and peace from a Qur’anic perspective [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2006, Pages 51-74]
  • Dar Al-Harb The foreign policy of the Prophet’s state [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 111-121]
  • Dar al-Islam War and peace from a Qur’anic perspective [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2006, Pages 51-74]
  • Dar al-Islam The foreign policy of the Prophet’s state [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 111-121]
  • Dazine Mulla Sadra and Martin Heidegger: An anthropological analysis in political philosophy [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 23-51]
  • Deobandi School Decoding Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi’s Political Jurisprudence [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 7-26]
  • Determinism The theological foundations of the Shiite political thought from Mirdamad's viewpoint [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 213-230]
  • Deterrence policy A Quranic Formulation of Deterrence Policy in the face of Military Threats [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 93-127]
  • Development The crisis of secularism in the Islamic world [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 195-220]
  • Developmental Freedom The relationship between divine sovereignty and human sovereignty In accepting or rejecting God's legislative will [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 35-56]
  • Development of Civilization An Introduction to the Political Theology of Civilization in the Thought of Malik Bannabi [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 101-125]
  • Devising scenarios Foreign Policy Scenarios of the Islamic Republic of Iran Regarding the Palestinian [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 119-146]
  • Dignity Reading political culture from Ayatollah Khamenei’s opinion [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 126-150]
  • Diplomacy Globalization and the conversionism of the Islamic countries [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 95-116]
  • Discourse Conventionalization of religion in contemporary Iran [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 97-126]
  • Discourse Globalization and the fate of discourses conflicts:A critical study of the discourse analysis of globalization [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 37-62]
  • Discourse Globalization and its impact on the Reformist Discourse [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 63-76]
  • Distribution of Power The geometry (distribution and concentration) of power, citing the views of some contemporary jurisprudents [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 85-102]
  • Distributive Justice Social justice and its relation to distributive justice [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 7-24]
  • Distributive Justice The Tenets of the Theory of Global and Self-Sufficient Moral Value of Justice [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 7-24]
  • Divine Unity The Foundations of Legitimacy of the Islamic Governmnet (with a Focus on Ayatollah Khamenei’s Opinions) [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 7-30]
  • Divine Unity Impact of the Degrees of Divine Unity on the Islamic Government [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 7-30]
  • Donald Trump The Abraham Accords, Iran’s Activity in Western Asia, and the United States’ Extra-Regional Intervention [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 65-90]
  • Dynamic Ejtehad Dynamic Ejtehad, the Approach of Revolutionary Howzeh [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2017, Pages 73-100]


  • East The Muslim Scholars’ Dealing with Modernity and Its Effect on the Concept of Occidentalogy in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2013, Pages 83-102]
  • ECO A survey of development of Islamic Republic of Iran’s relationships with international organizations [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 125-150]
  • Economic The concept and mechanisms of the realization of social justice [Volume 7, issue 26, 2004, Pages 163-185]
  • Effectiveness The role of neighborhoodism in achieving the characteristics of good governance (Case study: Social councils of Mashhad neighborhoods) [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 143-164]
  • Egypt Refa’eh Tahtavi’s Political Thought in the Historical Context of Egypt in 19Th Centry, a Criticism on common interpretasion [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2014, Pages 75-90]
  • Egypt The Study of the Development of Scientific Selfie Movement in Egypt in 70’s A.C [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 141-159]
  • Ekhvan ol- Moslemin The Efforts of Ekhvan ol- Moslemin in Egypt Following Coup detat, from the Internal Break Down to Probable Division [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2017, Pages 153-178]
  • Ekhvan ol- Moslemin The Reasons of Ekhvan ol- Moslemin’s Failure after the Downfall of Mubarak [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2018, Pages 99-126]
  • Enemy The strategy for readiness against the enemy in reading 60th verse of Surah Al-Anfal [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 103-122]
  • Enemy A Quranic Formulation of Deterrence Policy in the face of Military Threats [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 93-127]
  • English election system A comparative analysis of election systems in religious democratic and liberal democratic systems [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 217-238]
  • English Language The Islamic Republic of Iran and Foreign Language Learning Policies: Today's Challenges and Future Plans [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 151-174]
  • English Language Newspapers The relationship between media policy and foreign policy Case study: A confrontational study of Iranian and American English-language newspapers [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 153-178]
  • Epistemology The theoretical foundations of Abo-Reyhan Biruni's political thought [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 149-169]
  • Ernesto Laclau Application of the Discourse of Commitment and the Problem of Autonomy in the Iranian Paintings of 1960s and 1970s [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 147-172]
  • Ershadnameh Rejection of "constitutional monarchy" theory; Mirza Qomi and the political rule in absence era [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2019, Pages 103-120]
  • Eskandariyeh University The Study of the Development of Scientific Selfie Movement in Egypt in 70’s A.C [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 141-159]
  • Essentialism The dynamism of Sadraian political system and thought [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 85-104]
  • Esteshab The principle of the Inexistence of Wellayat [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 63-72]
  • Ethics The interaction of Ethics and politics [Volume 7, issue 26, 2004, Pages 13-26]
  • Ethics Ethics and international politics [Volume 7, issue 26, 2004, Pages 75-86]
  • Ethics Freedom and plausible life in the thoughts of Ayatollah Mohammad-Taghi Jafari [Volume 7, issue 26, 2004, Pages 117-140]
  • Ethics A study of four theories on the relationship between ethics and politics [Volume 7, issue 26, 2004, Pages 141-162]
  • Ethics A Different View towards the Relationship between Ethics and Politics [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 35-62]
  • Ethics Functions of Justice in Ethical Governing in View of Political Islam [Volume 19, Issue76, 2016, Pages 151-170]
  • Ethnicity Ethnicity and its dimensions in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2006, Pages 195-212]
  • Ethnic violence Drawing a Dynamical Model of the Deprivations that induce Ethnic Violence (with a focus on Global Research) [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 165-192]
  • European Union The geopolitical Function of Islamic Republic of Iran in the Immunity of Energy of European Union [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 145-173]
  • European Union Media Activity in the Syrian Crisis: A Comparative Study of Media Positions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the European Union [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 157-182]
  • Evolutionary theory of political philosophy Ritual of divine revelation Evolutionary theory of political philosophy in explaining revelation and its relation to government and law [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 43-70]
  • Expediency The nature, the necessity, and the basics of criticism in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 15-44]
  • Expediency Discourse of Expediency in the Political Jurisprudence of Shiites and Sunnites [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2018, Pages 33-58]
  • Expediency Critique of Quranic principles and arguments "Theory of government" Muhammad Ahmad Khalafullah [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 93-116]
  • Expediency Council A Constitutional approach to security [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 285-296]


  • Failure to Control The reasons for not adhering to political power and its control mechanisms From Imam Ali's point of view [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 143-160]
  • Faqih Wellayat-e Faqih in the Islamic Wisdom [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 127-148]
  • Faqih Confirmation of Wilayat e- Faqih via Direct Reasoning and Proof by Reductio ad Absurdum [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 95-114]
  • Faqih Guardianship The pattern of religious democracy, the basis of political engineering of the Islamic system [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 27-50]
  • Faqih Hakim Comparison of the affairs and powers of the ruling jurist in the thought of Imam Khomeini and Seyyed Ahmad Khansari [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 127-152]
  • Farabi Farabi's methodology of civil science [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 97-133]
  • Farabi The Relationship between Wisdom and the Citizens of Utopia in view of Plato and Farabi [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 91-105]
  • Fathollah Gulen Governing in Political View of Said Nursi and its Effect on the Contemporary Islamism in Turkey [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2017, Pages 125-148]
  • Fatwa Validity of the council in fatwas and rulings [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 51-75]
  • Favorable pattern Holy Qur’an and Favorable and Unfavorable Political Culture [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 7-37]
  • Fear The strategy for readiness against the enemy in reading 60th verse of Surah Al-Anfal [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 103-122]
  • Fine Governing Ecological Measurement of a Fine Governing Model [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2014, Pages 87-112]
  • Fiqh Wellayat-e Faqih in the Islamic Wisdom [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 127-148]
  • First Critique of Quranic principles and arguments "Theory of government" Muhammad Ahmad Khalafullah [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 93-116]
  • Foreign Languages The Islamic Republic of Iran and Foreign Language Learning Policies: Today's Challenges and Future Plans [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 151-174]
  • Founded Identity The process of formation of "found" identity and "constructed" identity in Salafism and political Islam [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 35-60]
  • France The Foreign relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran and France (1979-2005) [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 167-180]
  • Frankfort school Comparative Study of the Critical School of Frankfort and the Cultural Studies of Birmingham [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 87-112]
  • Freedom The principle of the Inexistence of Wellayat [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 63-72]
  • Freedom Freedom and plausible life in the thoughts of Ayatollah Mohammad-Taghi Jafari [Volume 7, issue 26, 2004, Pages 117-140]
  • Freedom Humanism and rightness [Volume 8, issue 29, 2005, Pages 7-28]
  • Freedom Imam Khomeini’s freedom and security [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2006, Pages 131-152]
  • Freedom Politics and religion in Iqbal’s poetry [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 269-286]
  • Freedom A Critical Review on the Bases of Freedom Justification in Liberal Thought [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 169-191]
  • Freedom Discrepancy in Beliefs among the Scholars of Constitutionalism [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 35-58]
  • Freedom The Favorable and Unfavorable Political System in Holy Quran on the Basis of Abolfazl e- Zanjani’s Interpretation - 1279-1371 after Hijrah- [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2016, Pages 7-32]
  • Freedom Obstacles to the realization of freedom in society from the perspective of the Quran [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 79-98]
  • Freedom The relationship between peace and justice and freedom in the thought and political behavior of Imam Ali (as) [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 61-78]
  • Freedom The Representation of Freedom in the Press during the Constitutionalist Era in Iran through van Leeuwen’s Model [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 222-245]
  • Freedom The Effects and Consequences of Rights-Based Approach to Peace in Governance: A Study from the perspective of International and Islamic Documents [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 130-162]
  • Freedom Movement A comparative study of the behaviour of the National Front nationalists and the Freedom Movement in the transitory government of the Islamic Revolution [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 171-186]
  • Freedom Seeking The Civilization Approach to Political Freedom in the Holy Quran [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 11-32]
  • Free Society The Civilization Approach to Political Freedom in the Holy Quran [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 11-32]
  • Free Will The theological foundations of the Shiite political thought from Mirdamad's viewpoint [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 213-230]
  • Free Will Anthropology in Transcendental Political Philosophy [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 105-138]
  • Free Will Rationalism and Elective Imamate in the Political View of Mu’tazilites [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 23-54]
  • French election system A comparative analysis of election systems in religious democratic and liberal democratic systems [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 217-238]
  • Functions of the Religious Authority Institution The Relationship between “Vali-e Faghih” and Religious Authority (Reviewing the Classical and Modern Patterns and Theories) [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 61-90]
  • Futures Studies The role of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in changing the global geometry of power, emphasizing its strategic potential [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 59-84]
  • Future Studies Foreign Policy Scenarios of the Islamic Republic of Iran Regarding the Palestinian [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 119-146]


  • Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics Islamic secularism and its epistemological foundations [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 145-164]
  • Gatha Political Thought in Sassanid Texts [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 101-122]
  • General wellayat The foundations of the legitimacy of Wellayat-e Faqih [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 45-61]
  • Geopolitical The geopolitical Function of Islamic Republic of Iran in the Immunity of Energy of European Union [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 145-173]
  • Geopolitical degeneration Jihadist Salafism’s geopolitical worldview and the geopolitical future of Western Asia, with an emphasis on Iraq and Syria developments [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 35-62]
  • Geopolitics The roots of the West’s worries about the Islamic Revolution:With an emphasis on the Shiite geopolitics [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 111-124]
  • Geostrategy Russia’s goals and security strategy for the Syrian crisis [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 143-168]
  • Ghazali God-caliphate and God-king discourses in Imam Muhammad Ghazali’s Nasihat-ol-Molouk [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2018, Pages 107-132]
  • God’s caliph The Status of Prophet and Philosopher in the Political Thought of Sadr al-Moteallehin [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 119-140]
  • God’s ownership Islamic government versus secular government [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 127-144]
  • Good The anthropological foundations of the Prophet’s political and governmental conducts [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 97-110]
  • Good Governance Political ethics and the efficiency of the political system [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 125-142]
  • Good Governance The role of neighborhoodism in achieving the characteristics of good governance (Case study: Social councils of Mashhad neighborhoods) [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 143-164]
  • Governance Seyyed Qutb and the contemporary Islamism [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 171-190]
  • Governance “Uprising” in the thoughts of Zaidiyyah and Imam Khomeini: a comparative study [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 35-58]
  • Governance Big Data and Public Policy [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 151-172]
  • Governance Human Development and Its Political Implications in Governance (The Case of the Islamic Republic of Iran) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 173-196]
  • Governance The Effects and Consequences of Rights-Based Approach to Peace in Governance: A Study from the perspective of International and Islamic Documents [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 130-162]
  • Government Agents The concept of justice and the requirements for its implementation According to the Alawi Sira [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 161-182]
  • Government Efficiency Indicators of Government Efficiency in the Thought of Islamic Revolution Leaders [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 97-128]
  • Government jurisprudence System’s necessity and requirements in government’s jurisprudence approach [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 75-100]
  • Government Theory Critique of Quranic principles and arguments "Theory of government" Muhammad Ahmad Khalafullah [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 93-116]
  • Governor Behaviorology The capacities of Alawi spirituality in the realization of social justice [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 7-24]
  • Governor Behaviorology Governor Behaviorology in Imam Ali's letter to Malik Ashtar (Contextual analysis of behavioral statements with content analysis method) [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 73-94]
  • Graham Models of democracy [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2002, Pages 255-269]
  • Graham Models of democracy [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 255-270]
  • Guarantee Jurisprudential Analysis of the Islamic Government’s Duties towards Worships [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 159-175]
  • Guardianship of The Islamic Jurist (Velayat-e-Faqih) Velayat-e faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist) as a political system; A plan for studying a political guardianship [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 93-118]


  • Habermas Models of democracy [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2002, Pages 255-269]
  • Habermas Models of democracy [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 255-270]
  • Habermas Eternal Peace in the Pluralistic Universe [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2017, Pages 89-107]
  • Habermas The Problem of Citizenship in Contemporary Iran with a focus on Habermas’s Theory of Discursive Citizenry [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 133-166]
  • Habez A Critical Review on the Bases of Freedom Justification in Liberal Thought [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 169-191]
  • Hafez The Identity of Political Thought of Hafez, Rend e-Shiraz [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 69-90]
  • Haj-Agha Noor-Allah Haj-Agha Noor-Alla Najafi’s and Shahid Modarres’s measures to defend the Iranian security [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2006, Pages 153-168]
  • Hajj A Clarification of the Impact of the Civil Crisis in the Saudi Arabia on the Occurrence and Management of the Disaster of Mina [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 7-32]
  • Hantington Models of democracy [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2002, Pages 255-269]
  • Hantington Models of democracy [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 255-270]
  • Harry Eckstein Investigating the dimensions of political instability in new Iraq; The role of the conflict between particular and general groups in ethnic-religious violence [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 63-92]
  • Hassan al-Bana and Ali Abd Al-Raziq Typology of caliphate-centrism in the contemporary Islam; A comparative study of the ideas of Rashid Reza, Hassan al-Banna, and Ali Abd Al-Raziq [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 169-194]
  • Hayy ibn Yaqzan essay Ibn Tufail’s political thought [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2018, Pages 39-60]
  • Hegemony The meaning ambiguities of terrorism [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 181-198]
  • Hegemony Saudi Arabia and Hegemonic Encountering with Islamic Awareness in Persian Gulf -Case study: Bahrain- [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 133-156]
  • Hegemony Islamic Republic of Iran and Security Paradigms of Southwestern Asia [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 107-146]
  • Held Models of democracy [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2002, Pages 255-269]
  • Held Models of democracy [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 255-270]
  • Hikmat The concept of prophet and its position in Avicenna’s political thought [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2007, Pages 141-170]
  • Hillah School of Jurisprudence Making Shiite ijtihad jurisprudence and the issue of power with emphasis on the jurisprudential school of Baghdad and Hilla [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 79-100]
  • Historical Evolution of Justice Social justice and its relation to distributive justice [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 7-24]
  • Historical-Sociological Approach The process of building national cohesion in Iran: a historical-sociological approach [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 165-184]
  • Historicism Strauss and the methodology of understanding Islamic political philosophy [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2004, Pages 17-34]
  • Holy Qur’an Holy Qur’an and Favorable and Unfavorable Political Culture [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 7-37]
  • Holy Quran Pathology of political power in view of Holy Quran [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 7-34]
  • Holy Quran The Components of Political Power in View of Holy Quran [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2014, Pages 57-86]
  • Holy Quran Issue of Power in Holy Quran in View of the Interpretation of “Fi Rihab al- Quran al-karim” by Ayatollah Asefi [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2014, Pages 7-27]
  • Holy Quran The Objectives and Function of Favorable Political Power in View of Holy Quran [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 7-34]
  • Holy Quran The right of Freedom of Speech in View of Holy Quran [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2018, Pages 7-32]
  • Holy Quran The position and goals of the Islamic resistance from the perspective of commentators; Emphasizing the verses of jihad [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 59-74]
  • Honesty The place of honesty in Suhrawardi political thought [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 91-112]
  • Houthis A Crisis-Based Approach to the Intellectual Backgrounds of the Establishment of Ansar Allah Movement in Yemen [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 143-160]
  • Human The Criterion of Human Dignity in the Thoughts of Kant and Allameh Jafari; within the Framework of Three Humanist, Adjunct and Potential Humanity Theories [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 91-118]
  • Human State, Huma, and Pedagogy in the Political Thought of Jaspers: (An Ontological Approach to the Modern State) [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 91-112]
  • Human Being The nature of human beings and International relations [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 195-212]
  • Human Culmination Function of the anthropological approach to understanding of Muslim thinkers’ political ideaک Case study: Sheikh Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 119-142]
  • Human development Human Development and Its Political Implications in Governance (The Case of the Islamic Republic of Iran) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 173-196]
  • Human Dignity The Criterion of Human Dignity in the Thoughts of Kant and Allameh Jafari; within the Framework of Three Humanist, Adjunct and Potential Humanity Theories [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 91-118]
  • Humanism Right-basedness of modernity and duty-basedness of tradition [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 17-27]
  • Humanism The theoretical foundations of Abo-Reyhan Biruni's political thought [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 149-169]
  • Humanism Humanism and rightness [Volume 8, issue 29, 2005, Pages 7-28]
  • Human Nature The anthropological foundations of the Prophet’s political and governmental conducts [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 97-110]
  • Human Nature Function of the anthropological approach to understanding of Muslim thinkers’ political ideaک Case study: Sheikh Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 119-142]
  • Human Rights Doctrine Assessing the applicability of the human rights doctrine of "responsibility to protect" in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the jurisprudential basis of " Uniting the Hearts " [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 167-190]


  • Ibn-Bajeh The political thought methodology of the west of the Islamic civilization [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2002, Pages 67-95]
  • Ibn-Bajeh The political thought methodology of the west of the Islamic civilization [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 67-95]
  • Ibn-i Fahad Helli Welayat-e Faqih from the viewpoint of Ibn-i Fahad Helli [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 159-173]
  • Ibn-Tofeil The political thought methodology of the west of the Islamic civilization [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2002, Pages 67-95]
  • Ibn-Tofeil The political thought methodology of the west of the Islamic civilization [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 67-95]
  • Ibn Tufail Ibn Tufail’s political thought [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2018, Pages 39-60]
  • Identity The nature of national identity [Volume 8, issue 29, 2005, Pages 29-50]
  • Identity Ecological Measurement of a Fine Governing Model [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2014, Pages 87-112]
  • Identity Identity foundations of the US foreign policy toward the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear file: a constructivist analysis [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 151-171]
  • Identity Revolutionariness, Identity Developer in Howzeh and Authority [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2017, Pages 7-24]
  • Identity The Cycle of Reproduction of Conflicting Identities in the Middle East [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 131-156]
  • Identity anarchy Jihadist Salafism’s geopolitical worldview and the geopolitical future of Western Asia, with an emphasis on Iraq and Syria developments [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 35-62]
  • Identity Politics Identity Politics and New Social Movements [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 119-140]
  • Ijtihad An evaluation of Fazl-al-Rahman’s ideas about the reconstruction of Ijtihad in religion [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2007, Pages 71-124]
  • Ijtihad Capacity to build the structure of Shiite political jurisprudence in the ideal political system [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2019, Pages 7-28]
  • Illegal Violence Critique and evaluation of the essentialist theory of violence in Islam with emphasis on the views of non-Muslim thinkers [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 129-150]
  • Imam The foundations of the legitimacy of Wellayat-e Faqih [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 45-61]
  • Imam Ali Imam Ali’s security measures [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 107-120]
  • Imam Ali Governor Behaviorology in Imam Ali's letter to Malik Ashtar (Contextual analysis of behavioral statements with content analysis method) [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 73-94]
  • Imam Ali (A.S.) The capacities of Alawi spirituality in the realization of social justice [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 7-24]
  • Imam Ali (AS) Cultural justice; an element of the Alawi government [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 47-72]
  • Imam Ali (AS) Youthism in Imam Ali (A.S.) Government [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 95-118]
  • Imam Ali (AS) Examine the style of Imam Ali's (A.S.) confrontation to social active disruptions [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 119-142]
  • Imam Ali (AS) The concept of justice and the requirements for its implementation According to the Alawi Sira [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 161-182]
  • Imam Ali (AS) Collective responsibility from Imam Ali’s point of view (AS) in Nahj al-Balagha [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 24-50]
  • Imam Ali (AS) Genealogy of the fields of pacifism in the Shiite discourses of the time of presence based on discourse actions related to the behavior of Imam Ali (AS) [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 71-92]
  • Imam Ali (AS) The relationship between peace and justice and freedom in the thought and political behavior of Imam Ali (as) [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 61-78]
  • Imam Ali (A.S.) Political Perspective The reasons for not adhering to political power and its control mechanisms From Imam Ali's point of view [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 143-160]
  • Imam Ali PBUH Multifaceted Legitimacy, a Reflection on the Foundations of Legitimacy of Political System within the Conduct and Speech of Imam Ali -PBUH- [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2014, Pages 27-52]
  • Imam Ali PBUH Political Moderation Relying on Alavi Though [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2016, Pages 127-144]
  • Imam Ali´s Instructions (Ahd) to Malik Ashtar Governor Behaviorology in Imam Ali's letter to Malik Ashtar (Contextual analysis of behavioral statements with content analysis method) [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 73-94]
  • Imamate The Position and the Role of Asha’ri pertaining to the Foundation of Sunnites’ Political Theology [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2013, Pages 55-82]
  • Imamate Rationalism and Elective Imamate in the Political View of Mu’tazilites [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 23-54]
  • Imamate “Uprising” in the thoughts of Zaidiyyah and Imam Khomeini: a comparative study [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 35-58]
  • Imamate The Foundations of Political Theory on the Authority of Nation on Itself [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2018, Pages 167-184]
  • Imamate The issue of "legitimacy" in the thought and record of Islamists following Velayat-e-Faqih in Afghanistan [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 101-124]
  • Imam Hassan (AS) Genealogy of the fields of pacifism in the Shiite discourses of the time of presence based on discourse actions related to the behavior of Imam Ali (AS) [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 71-92]
  • Imam Hussein (AS) Genealogy of the fields of pacifism in the Shiite discourses of the time of presence based on discourse actions related to the behavior of Imam Ali (AS) [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 71-92]
  • Imami jurisprudence Rational Arguments for the Right to Self-Determination according to Imami Shia Jurisprudence [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 74-98]
  • Imamiyeh The Strategies of Imamiyeh political jurisprudence and the Efficiency of Islamic Republic in a Comprehensive Systemic Strategy [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2018, Pages 119-144]
  • Imam Khamenei Foundations and Factors for Realizing Social Change In the statement of the second step of the revolution [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 79-96]
  • Imam Khamenei Indicators of Government Efficiency in the Thought of Islamic Revolution Leaders [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 97-128]
  • Imam Khomeini The political behavior of Ayatollah Modarres from Imam Khomeini's viewpoint [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 113-127]
  • Imam Khomeini The legitimacy and acceptability of Wellayat-e Faqih from Imam Khomeini's Viewpoint [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 111-126]
  • Imam Khomeini Wellat-e Faqih and the constitution [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 149-158]
  • Imam Khomeini Imam Khomeini’s conception of Islamic Republic [Volume 8, issue 29, 2005, Pages 127-146]
  • Imam Khomeini Imam Khomeini’s method of leadership and Weber’s control [Volume 8, issue 29, 2005, Pages 147-184]
  • Imam Khomeini Imam Khomeini’s freedom and security [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2006, Pages 131-152]
  • Imam Khomeini Transcendental philosophy and evolutionism in mysticism and politics [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 187-205]
  • Imam Khomeini The Function of Political Thematology in Imam Khomeini’s Jurisprudential Method and Responding to Political Issues [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 33-60]
  • Imam Khomeini Imam Khomeini and His Governmental View towards Jurisprudence [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 115-136]
  • Imam Khomeini Political Morality Approaches in Islam [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 141-158]
  • Imam Khomeini Analyzing the content of the concept “people” in Imam Khomeini’s political thought [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 7-34]
  • Imam Khomeini “Uprising” in the thoughts of Zaidiyyah and Imam Khomeini: a comparative study [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 35-58]
  • Imam Khomeini The geometry (distribution and concentration) of power, citing the views of some contemporary jurisprudents [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 85-102]
  • Imam Khomeini Dynamic Ejtehad, the Approach of Revolutionary Howzeh [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2017, Pages 73-100]
  • Imam Khomeini The Ideas of Saheb e- Javaher, Imam Khomeini and Mohaqeq e- Khuee in relation to the Authorities of Vali ye- Faqih [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2018, Pages 77-98]
  • Imam Khomeini Indicators of Government Efficiency in the Thought of Islamic Revolution Leaders [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 97-128]
  • Imam Khomeini The soft power capacity of the Islamic Republic in the face of international challenges; Emphasizing the thought of the leaders of the Islamic Revolution [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 129-150]
  • Imam Khomeini Comparison of the affairs and powers of the ruling jurist in the thought of Imam Khomeini and Seyyed Ahmad Khansari [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 127-152]
  • Imam Khomeini The role of Imam Khomeini's political ethics in the efficiency of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 107-126]
  • Imam Khomeini Imam Khomeini and the Limits of Absolute Guardianship [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 71-94]
  • Imam Khomeini Strategies of the Seminary of Samarra towards Politics [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 39-70]
  • Imam Khomeini The Theoretical Foundations of the Islamic Revolution in Contemporary Political Wisdom [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 9-45]
  • Imam Khomeini's governmental jurisprudence Evidence of the religious validity of the upstream documents of the Islamic system in the political jurisprudence of Imam Khomeini [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 7-26]
  • Imam Khomeini’s Will Analyzing the speech actions of Imam Khomeini’s Will; based on Searle and Austin model [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2019, Pages 53-78]
  • Imam Musa Sadr The Role of Imam Musa Sadr and Ayatullah Sistani in Regard with the political coherence of Multicultural society of Lebanon and Iraq [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 61-82]
  • Imam Sadeghin "Political Applications" of the Scientific Movement of the Early Islamic Period Based on the "Knowledge Management Cycle" Method [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 149-172]
  • Immunity of energy The geopolitical Function of Islamic Republic of Iran in the Immunity of Energy of European Union [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 145-173]
  • Imperialism The Impact of the Ontological View of Security on Iran’s Strategic Depth [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 37-64]
  • Implementation Jurisprudential Analysis of the Islamic Government’s Duties towards Worships [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 159-175]
  • Independent Welat Welayat-e Faqih from the viewpoint of Ibn-i Fahad Helli [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 159-173]
  • Indian subcontinent Decoding Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi’s Political Jurisprudence [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 7-26]
  • Inexistence of Wellayat The principle of the Inexistence of Wellayat [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 63-72]
  • Institutionalism Islamic Republic of Iran and Security Paradigms of Southwestern Asia [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 107-146]
  • Institutional Theory of International Relations Analytical ability of structural and institutional theory to analyze Iran's activism in the two events of "nationalization of the oil industry" and "Barjam" [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 79-100]
  • Intellectuals Recognizing intellectual trends in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2007, Pages 45-70]
  • Intellectuals Najaf seminary schools’ attitude towards the idea of intellectualism [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 103-122]
  • Intellectuals The Muslim Scholars’ Dealing with Modernity and Its Effect on the Concept of Occidentalogy in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2013, Pages 83-102]
  • Intelligence activities Regularity and Measurements of Intelligent Activities in Shiite Political Jurisprudence [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 51-76]
  • Intention hermeneutic The Identity of Political Thought of Hafez, Rend e-Shiraz [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 69-90]
  • International Humanitarian Law The nature and typology of the principle of separation in war and jihad based on Islamic texts and international law [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 55-76]
  • International Language The Islamic Republic of Iran and Foreign Language Learning Policies: Today's Challenges and Future Plans [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 151-174]
  • International Relations The nature of human beings and International relations [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 195-212]
  • International Relations Civilized state and reaction in international relations [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 7-34]
  • International Relations Iran's Foreign Policy Requirements in the Second Step Statement [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 175-200]
  • International Relations Britain's Middle East policy in the post Brexit period Case study: British-Israeli relations [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 99-126]
  • International Relations Trans-theoretical foundations in civilized debates in international relations [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 127-150]
  • International Relations Comparative reading of the level of foreign policy analysis in the Middle East from the theories of international relations perspective (With an emphasis on the theory of discourse) [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 35-58]
  • International Relations Analyzing the Regional Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of the Changing Actions of Saudi Arabian Political Officials (2010-2018) [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 103-128]
  • International rights A Review on the Legal Capacities in Response to the Catastrophe of Mina [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 83-100]
  • International Threats The soft power capacity of the Islamic Republic in the face of international challenges; Emphasizing the thought of the leaders of the Islamic Revolution [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 129-150]
  • Iqbal Lahori Politics and religion in Iqbal’s poetry [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 269-286]
  • Iran The Foreign relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran and France (1979-2005) [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 167-180]
  • Iran Recognizing intellectual trends in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2007, Pages 45-70]
  • Iran An analysis of political discourses in the media [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 65-93]
  • Iran Feasibility of Dispute Settlement in the Disaster of Mina: A Legal Strategy, Or a Diplomatic Agreement [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 129-150]
  • Iran Legislative plebiscite: a manifestation of democracy in the realm of legislation [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2018, Pages 7-38]
  • Iran The relationship between media policy and foreign policy Case study: A confrontational study of Iranian and American English-language newspapers [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 153-178]
  • Iran The polarization of regional security and the geopolitical Chaos in the Middle East [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 51-76]
  • Iran An Analysis of the Cultural Policy Making of the Islamic Republic of Iran: disadvantages and strategies; Emphasizing the concept of "authority" (Marjaiyyat) [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 159-178]
  • Iran Normalization of Arab countries' relations with the Zionist regime and its security consequences for the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 101-124]
  • Iran The Impact of the Ontological View of Security on Iran’s Strategic Depth [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 37-64]
  • Iran The Abraham Accords, Iran’s Activity in Western Asia, and the United States’ Extra-Regional Intervention [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 65-90]
  • Iran Resistance Strategy as Iran’s Geopolitical Turn in the Age of Regional Crises [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 27-50]
  • Iran Foreign Policy Scenarios of the Islamic Republic of Iran Regarding the Palestinian [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 119-146]
  • Iran A Study of the Role of Identity Acts in Political Engagement of Iranian Women [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 188-217]
  • Iran The Moral Function of Political Institutions and Its Developmental Implications for Iran [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 42-73]
  • Iran Security of Immigrant Workers as a Criterion of Good Governance (with a focus on the Laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran) [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 171-199]
  • Iranian election system A comparative analysis of election systems in religious democratic and liberal democratic systems [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 217-238]
  • Iranian-Islamic Civilization The role of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in changing the global geometry of power, emphasizing its strategic potential [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 59-84]
  • Iranian-Islamic identity The nature of national identity [Volume 8, issue 29, 2005, Pages 29-50]
  • Iranian press Disaster or Incident: The Approach of the Media in Iran and Saudi Arabia in Dealing with the Mina [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 55-82]
  • Iran’s foreign policy The Structural and Functional Dynamics of the Public Diplomacy of the Iranian Foreign Policy [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 199-228]
  • Iranshahri’s thought Rational intellect in Iranshahri’s thought; comparing “Tanassor” to “Siyasatnameh” [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2019, Pages 121-146]
  • Iraq The Role of Imam Musa Sadr and Ayatullah Sistani in Regard with the political coherence of Multicultural society of Lebanon and Iraq [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 61-82]
  • Iraq Analyzing the Role of Conceptual and Identity Elements on the Development of Salafi in Iraq and Syria [Volume 20, Issue79, 2017, Pages 153-180]
  • Iraq Investigating the dimensions of political instability in new Iraq; The role of the conflict between particular and general groups in ethnic-religious violence [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 63-92]
  • ISIS Feasibility Study of ISIS's Return to Libya in the light of the Civil War [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 125-148]
  • Islam Islam and liberalism [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 29-48]
  • Islam Secularism and religious government: Critical review of a theory [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 27-74]
  • Islam Conventionalization of religion in contemporary Iran [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 97-126]
  • Islam The security discourse of the Prophet (pbuh) [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 81-106]
  • Islam Islam, the West, and the media [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 151-166]
  • Islam The foundations of obeying a ruler in the Shiite political thought [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 117-142]
  • Islam The Criticism and Study of National Benefit Thought in the Area of Political Thought of Islam [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 157-183]
  • Islam Reviewing the Characteristics of Islamic Government in Iraq and Sham –Daesh- : Realizing the Intellectual, Political and Social Grounds [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2014, Pages 75-108]
  • Islam Moretza Motahari’s theory of the right [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 151-167]
  • Islam The Effect of Moral Decline in Capitalism on the Development of Severity in America [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2018, Pages 151-178]
  • Islam Critique and evaluation of the essentialist theory of violence in Islam with emphasis on the views of non-Muslim thinkers [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 129-150]
  • Islam The Effects and Consequences of Rights-Based Approach to Peace in Governance: A Study from the perspective of International and Islamic Documents [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 130-162]
  • Islam and politics Argumentation or rejection? A critical review of the latest theories of Mahdi Bazargan [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 297-312]
  • Islamic Agents The reasons for not adhering to political power and its control mechanisms From Imam Ali's point of view [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 143-160]
  • Islamic awakening movement Use of Public Diplomacy by the Supreme Leader of Iran in the Islamic Awakening Movement [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 77-100]
  • Islamic awareness Saudi Arabia and Hegemonic Encountering with Islamic Awareness in Persian Gulf -Case study: Bahrain- [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 133-156]
  • Islamic caliphate Takfir Ideology; Characteristics and the Ways of Dealing with it [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 99-127]
  • Islamic Conference Organization A survey of development of Islamic Republic of Iran’s relationships with international organizations [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 125-150]
  • Islamic constitution Jurisprudence and the Issue of Dual Construction of Power in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2014, Pages 113-126]
  • Islamic Consultative Assembly Analysis of the approval system of the credentials in the Islamic Consultative Assembly with emphasis on the optimal pattern [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 100-125]
  • Islamic council Assembly A Constitutional approach to security [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 285-296]
  • Islamic Countries Globalization and the conversionism of the Islamic countries [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 95-116]
  • Islamic countries’ problems The Great Islamic Government: possibility or impossibility [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 93-110]
  • Islamic culture Islamic culture and peace culture: divergent approaches [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2006, Pages 111-130]
  • Islamic Dawa Party The intellectual Political Islamic Trends after 2003 [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 75-98]
  • Islamic diplomacy International relations jurisprudence [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 19-36]
  • Islamic economics The criterion of distributive justice in economics and politics [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 33-56]
  • Islamic Governance "Political Applications" of the Scientific Movement of the Early Islamic Period Based on the "Knowledge Management Cycle" Method [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 149-172]
  • Islam ic government War and peace from a Qur’anic perspective [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2006, Pages 51-74]
  • Islamic government Islamic government versus secular government [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 127-144]
  • Islamic government Jurisprudential Analysis of the Islamic Government’s Duties towards Worships [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 159-175]
  • Islamic government The Process of Ideation Analysis around the Representative of the (office of) of the Supreme Leader in the second period of the Islamic Republic [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 99-120]
  • Islamic government The Process of Ideation Analysis around the Representative of the (office of) of the Supreme Leader in the second period of the Islamic Republic [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 7-34]
  • Islamic government A Comparative Study of Government in Naini and Motahhari Political Thought [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 117-140]
  • Islamic government of Iraq and Syria Reviewing the Characteristics of Islamic Government in Iraq and Sham –Daesh- : Realizing the Intellectual, Political and Social Grounds [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2014, Pages 75-108]
  • Islamic hermeneutics The political thought methodology of the west of the Islamic civilization [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2002, Pages 67-95]
  • Islamic hermeneutics The political thought methodology of the west of the Islamic civilization [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 67-95]
  • Islamic human Governing in Political View of Said Nursi and its Effect on the Contemporary Islamism in Turkey [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2017, Pages 125-148]
  • Islamic movement A survey of the contemporary Islamic thought [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 199-210]
  • Islamic Movement of Nigeria Studying the structure and organization of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria and its impact on the spread of Shiism in Nigeria [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 55-78]
  • Islamic movements A Crisis-Based Approach to the Intellectual Backgrounds of the Establishment of Ansar Allah Movement in Yemen [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 143-160]
  • Islamic party The intellectual Political Islamic Trends after 2003 [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 75-98]
  • Islamic philosophers Civil Moderation in Community and Politics [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 63-86]
  • Islamic philosophy The forerunners of Shiite seminary schools in confronting with Western philosophy [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 155-182]
  • Islamic philosophy The Components of Perception of Islamic Political Philosophy [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2014, Pages 29-44]
  • Islamic political philosophers The Theoretical Foundations of the Islamic Revolution in Contemporary Political Wisdom [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 9-45]
  • Islamic political philosophy The political thought of Averroes [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 239-268]
  • Islamic political philosophy The concept of prophet and its position in Avicenna’s political thought [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2007, Pages 141-170]
  • Islamic political philosophy The role of Transcendental Philosophy in framing Islamic political thought [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 9-22]
  • Islamic political philosophy Strauss and the methodology of understanding Islamic political philosophy [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2004, Pages 17-34]
  • Islamic political philosophy The Components of Perception of Islamic Political Philosophy [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2014, Pages 29-44]
  • Islamic political philosophy The Status of Prophet and Philosopher in the Political Thought of Sadr al-Moteallehin [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 119-140]
  • Islamic political philosophy The Relationship between Transcendent Theosophy and the Islamic Political Philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 7-22]
  • Islamic political philosophy Political Tolerance on the Main Framework of Islamic Political Philosophy [Volume 20, Issue79, 2017, Pages 29-52]
  • Islamic political philosophy Assessing the compatibility of "social justice" and "development" [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 7-34]
  • Islamic political philosophy The Theoretical Foundations of the Islamic Revolution in Contemporary Political Wisdom [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 9-45]
  • Islamic political science The future of the new Islamic and Iranian political science [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 7-37]
  • Islamic political thought The relationship between political theology and political philosophy [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2002, Pages 175-196]
  • Islamic political thought Imam Khomeini’s freedom and security [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2006, Pages 131-152]
  • Islamic political thought The political thought of Averroes [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 239-268]
  • Islamic political thought The relationship between political theology and political philosophy [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 175-196]
  • Islamic political wisdom An Argumentative Analysis of the Essential Features of the Islamic Revolution from the perspective of Contemporary Political Wisdom [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 78-116]
  • Islamic radicalism The Efforts of Ekhvan ol- Moslemin in Egypt Following Coup detat, from the Internal Break Down to Probable Division [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2017, Pages 153-178]
  • Islamic rationality A New Perspective on the System of Islamic Political Rationality [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 250-283]
  • Islamic reason A Comparative Critical Analysis of Jabri’s Arabic Reason and Arkoun’s Islamic Reason, and their Political Implications [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 183-206]
  • Islamic Republic The nature, the necessity, and the basics of criticism in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 15-44]
  • Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini’s conception of Islamic Republic [Volume 8, issue 29, 2005, Pages 127-146]
  • Islamic Republic The Religious and National Components of Soft Power of Iran Islamic Republic System [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2014, Pages 109-132]
  • Islamic Republic A Review on the Legal Capacities in Response to the Catastrophe of Mina [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 83-100]
  • Islamic Republic A Perspective of the Relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia: Probable Scenarios [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 101-128]
  • Islamic Republic Development of “Intelligent Strategic Depth” of Islamic Republic of Iran in Middle East [Volume 20, Issue79, 2017, Pages 75-102]
  • Islamic Republic of Iran Jurisprudential and Legal Investigation of Execution of Presidency decree in the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Constitution [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2014, Pages 33-54]
  • Islamic Republic of Iran A Reflection on the Effect of Theological Political Disputes on the Political Campaigns (with the Emphasis on the Era of the Development of Iran Islamic Republic System) [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2017, Pages 7-36]
  • Islamic Republic of Iran The soft power capacity of the Islamic Republic in the face of international challenges; Emphasizing the thought of the leaders of the Islamic Revolution [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 129-150]
  • Islamic Republic of Iran The Process of Ideation Analysis around the Representative of the (office of) of the Supreme Leader in the second period of the Islamic Republic [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 99-120]
  • Islamic Republic of Iran The Process of Ideation Analysis around the Representative of the (office of) of the Supreme Leader in the second period of the Islamic Republic [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 7-34]
  • Islamic Republic of Iran Functions of national will in the face of the forthcoming crises of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 127-146]
  • Islamic Republic of Iran The soft power of the Islamic Republic of Iran in public diplomacy with rival countries [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 141-166]
  • Islamic Republic of Iran Media Activity in the Syrian Crisis: A Comparative Study of Media Positions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the European Union [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 157-182]
  • Islamic Republic of Iran Human Development and Its Political Implications in Governance (The Case of the Islamic Republic of Iran) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 173-196]
  • Islamic Republic of Iran Analyzing the Regional Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of the Changing Actions of Saudi Arabian Political Officials (2010-2018) [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 103-128]
  • Islamic Republic of Iran An Account of Iran’s Economic Diplomacy Strategy in Post-Taliban Afghanistan [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 268-300]
  • Islamic Republic of Iran The Political and Social Implications of Securitizing Protests in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 233-263]
  • Islamic Republic of Iran critical theory Critical Theory, a Paradigm towards the Interaction between Religion and Government in Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2017, Pages 131-152]
  • Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policies A survey of development of Islamic Republic of Iran’s relationships with international organizations [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 125-150]
  • Islamic Resistance The position and goals of the Islamic resistance from the perspective of commentators; Emphasizing the verses of jihad [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 59-74]
  • Islamic revolution Representing the Signs of Political Action in Revolutionary Spirituality; A Case Study of Spirituality Studies in the Discourse of the Islamic Revolution [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 57-78]
  • Islamic revolution Foundations and Factors for Realizing Social Change In the statement of the second step of the revolution [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 79-96]
  • Islamic revolution A New Approach to the Study of the Political Wisdom of the Islamic Revolution [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 25-48]
  • Islamic Revolution The nature, the necessity, and the basics of criticism in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 15-44]
  • Islamic Revolution The roots of the West’s worries about the Islamic Revolution:With an emphasis on the Shiite geopolitics [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 111-124]
  • Islamic Revolution Saudi Arabia and Hegemonic Encountering with Islamic Awareness in Persian Gulf -Case study: Bahrain- [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 133-156]
  • Islamic revolutionary thought A survey of the contemporary Islamic thought [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 199-210]
  • Islamic revolution culture Revolutionary Howzeh and Propagation of Islamic Revolution Culture [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2017, Pages 101-124]
  • Islamic revolution of Iran A Different View towards the Relationship between Ethics and Politics [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 35-62]
  • Islamic revolution of Iran The Effect of Islamic Revolution on the Advancement of Justice [Volume 19, Issue76, 2016, Pages 31-52]
  • Islamic revolution of Iran Islamic Revolution of Iran and the Necessity of Theorizing [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 127-144]
  • Islamic revolution of Iran The Islamic Revolution in the research of the Turkish academic community [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 77-106]
  • Islamic revolution of Iran Use of Public Diplomacy by the Supreme Leader of Iran in the Islamic Awakening Movement [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 77-100]
  • Islamic revolution of Iran An Argumentative Analysis of the Essential Features of the Islamic Revolution from the perspective of Contemporary Political Wisdom [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 78-116]
  • Islamic revolution of Iran The functional theory of the bridge between political science and political governance in Iran after the Islamic revolution [(Articles in Press)]
  • Islamic revolution of Iran The Theoretical Foundations of the Islamic Revolution in Contemporary Political Wisdom [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 9-45]
  • Islamic Scientific Movement "Political Applications" of the Scientific Movement of the Early Islamic Period Based on the "Knowledge Management Cycle" Method [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 149-172]
  • Islamic secularism Islamic secularism and its epistemological foundations [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 145-164]
  • Islamic seminary schools Rethinking reformist movements and neo-thinking in Islamic seminary schools [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 123-154]
  • Islamic Society Conducts of the Prophet: The pathology of government [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 139-155]
  • Islamic state The Civilization Approach to Political Freedom in the Holy Quran [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 11-32]
  • Islamic state Indicators of Government Efficiency in the Thought of Islamic Revolution Leaders [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 97-128]
  • Islamic state Comparison of the affairs and powers of the ruling jurist in the thought of Imam Khomeini and Seyyed Ahmad Khansari [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 127-152]
  • Islamic state Explaining the principle of purposeful cooperation in the foreign policy of the Islamic State [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 7-30]
  • Islamic supreme council of Iraq The intellectual Political Islamic Trends after 2003 [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 75-98]
  • Islamic System Political Morality Approaches in Islam [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 141-158]
  • Islamic thinkers Secular and religious rationality [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 261-284]
  • Islamic thought A survey of the contemporary Islamic thought [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 199-210]
  • Islamic thought A survey of the development of contemporary Islamic thought [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 191-216]
  • Islamic Ummah Islam, the West, and the media [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 151-166]
  • Islamic vigilance Development of “Intelligent Strategic Depth” of Islamic Republic of Iran in Middle East [Volume 20, Issue79, 2017, Pages 75-102]
  • Islamic wakefulness Islamic Wakefulness and the Foreign Policy of Islamic Republic of Iran, Opportunities, Threats and Strategies [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2016, Pages 145-168]
  • Islamic World Sayed Jamal's political, philosophical, and religious thought [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 212-221]
  • Islamic World The Great Islamic Government: possibility or impossibility [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 93-110]
  • Islamic World Islam, the West, and the media [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 151-166]
  • Islamic World The ratio of "consciousness", "identity" and "power" in the problems of civilization in the Islamic world; (Examining the roots of the lack of "self-observation" among Muslim elites) [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 73-90]
  • Islamic world convergence The Great Islamic Government: possibility or impossibility [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 93-110]
  • Islamic world divergence The Great Islamic Government: possibility or impossibility [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 93-110]
  • Islamism A survey of the development of contemporary Islamic thought [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 191-216]
  • Islamism The Investigation of Theoretical Analyses in the Studies of Islamism [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2016, Pages 65-92]
  • Islamism Islamic Revolution of Iran and the Necessity of Theorizing [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 127-144]
  • Islamism The issue of "legitimacy" in the thought and record of Islamists following Velayat-e-Faqih in Afghanistan [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 101-124]
  • Islamism of the Government The Foundations of Legitimacy of the Islamic Governmnet (with a Focus on Ayatollah Khamenei’s Opinions) [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 7-30]
  • Islamist groups Seyyed Qutb and the contemporary Islamism [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 171-190]
  • Islamists Islamist discourse versus postmodernity [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 187-198]
  • Israel The ambitions behind Israel’s 2006 war against Lebanon [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 77-92]
  • Israel Britain's Middle East policy in the post Brexit period Case study: British-Israeli relations [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 99-126]
  • Israel The foundations of Zionism and Israel's ontological insecurity [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 75-100]
  • Israel The Abraham Accords, Iran’s Activity in Western Asia, and the United States’ Extra-Regional Intervention [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 65-90]
  • Israel An Analysis of the Relations between Persian Gulf Arab Countries and Israel from Divergence to Convergence [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 204-232]


  • Jaspers State, Huma, and Pedagogy in the Political Thought of Jaspers: (An Ontological Approach to the Modern State) [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 91-112]
  • Javadi Amoli The geometry (distribution and concentration) of power, citing the views of some contemporary jurisprudents [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 85-102]
  • Jay Models of democracy [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2002, Pages 255-269]
  • Jay Models of democracy [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 255-270]
  • JCPOA Ideological Representations in Media: A Study of the Media Coverage of the Developments of JCPOA after America’s Exist until Iran’s Final Steps in Reducing Its Commitments [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 107-130]
  • JCPOA The Structural and Functional Dynamics of the Public Diplomacy of the Iranian Foreign Policy [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 199-228]
  • Jewish theology The Impact of Jewish Theology on Strauss’s Political Philosophy [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 95-118]
  • Jihadi Salafism Identity Crisis; Contemporary intellectual context of extremism (jihadi Salafis) [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 151-171]
  • Jihadi Salafism A Study of the Relation between the Fragile State and the Spread of Salafism in Yemen [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 193-216]
  • Jihadists Jihadist groups’ approach to the clear text (Nas); referring directly to the clear text as a means to put together text and action [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2018, Pages 157-176]
  • John Stuart Mill John Stuart Mill and the uniqueness Liberty-Limiting Principle [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2017, Pages 109-130]
  • Jurisprudence Jurisprudence and the Issue of Dual Construction of Power in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2014, Pages 113-126]
  • Jurisprudence Imam Khomeini and His Governmental View towards Jurisprudence [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 115-136]
  • Jurisprudential Reasons Jurisprudential Analysis of the Islamic Government’s Duties towards Worships [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 159-175]
  • Justice Islam and liberalism [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 29-48]
  • Justice The inadequacy of Rawls' moral interpretation of "liberalism" [Volume 7, issue 26, 2004, Pages 53-74]
  • Justice The concept and mechanisms of the realization of social justice [Volume 7, issue 26, 2004, Pages 163-185]
  • Justice Justice in Constitutional Movement [Volume 8, issue 29, 2005, Pages 99-112]
  • Justice Justice and security [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 121-132]
  • Justice Reducing justice to security in the ancient Iranian thought [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 133-152]
  • Justice The Relationships of Religious Scholars and Islamic System; Theories and Prototypes [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2014, Pages 45-74]
  • Justice The Effect of Islamic Revolution on the Advancement of Justice [Volume 19, Issue76, 2016, Pages 31-52]
  • Justice The Study of Delegation of Authority by the Jurisdiction and the Necessity of Sustaining the Justice by the Managers [Volume 19, Issue76, 2016, Pages 101-122]
  • Justice Functions of Justice in Ethical Governing in View of Political Islam [Volume 19, Issue76, 2016, Pages 151-170]
  • Justice Intellectual Foundations of Writing Government Book [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2017, Pages 37-64]
  • Justice The Link between Justice and Moderation in Islamic Political Ethics With an emphasis on the Alawi Sira [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 25-46]
  • Justice Cultural justice; an element of the Alawi government [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 47-72]
  • Justice The concept of justice and the requirements for its implementation According to the Alawi Sira [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 161-182]
  • Justice The relationship between peace and justice and freedom in the thought and political behavior of Imam Ali (as) [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 61-78]
  • Justice The Tenets of the Theory of Global and Self-Sufficient Moral Value of Justice [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 7-24]
  • Justice Imam Khomeini and the Limits of Absolute Guardianship [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 71-94]
  • Justice Goals and Fundamental Principles of Just Political Progress according to al-Fārābī [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 150-184]
  • Justice. Imam Khomeini. Fairness. Equality. Political thought Justice in View of Imam Khomeini [Volume 19, Issue76, 2016, Pages 7-30]


  • Kalila and Demna A Comparative Analysis of the Critical Dialogues with the Power in the Section of the King and Fanza in Translations and Paraphrases of Kalila and Demna (The Stories of Bidpai, Bahramshahi Kalila and Demna, and Anwar Suhayli) [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 113-138]
  • Kant The Criterion of Human Dignity in the Thoughts of Kant and Allameh Jafari; within the Framework of Three Humanist, Adjunct and Potential Humanity Theories [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 91-118]
  • Kar-Namag i Ardashir i Pabagan Political Thought in Sassanid Texts [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 101-122]
  • Khalafullah Critique of Quranic principles and arguments "Theory of government" Muhammad Ahmad Khalafullah [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 93-116]
  • Khalid Hosseini Melody of Peace Literature in Chaos Geopolitics [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 150-175]
  • Knowledge Critical realism of Sadrian philosophy [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 93-30]
  • Knowledge Management "Political Applications" of the Scientific Movement of the Early Islamic Period Based on the "Knowledge Management Cycle" Method [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 149-172]


  • Law Prophethood, Shari'a, and Law [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 53-76]
  • Law Need for religion in modern society: With an emphasis on law and morality [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 173-204]
  • Law Anthropology in Transcendental Political Philosophy [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 105-138]
  • Law Discrepancy in Beliefs among the Scholars of Constitutionalism [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 35-58]
  • Laws of the vizierate (Qawānīn al-wizāra) The Intertextuality of Prophetic Hadiths and Its Place in Abū al-Ḥasan al-Māwardī’s Political Thought in Laws of the Vizierate [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 49-88]
  • Lebanon The ambitions behind Israel’s 2006 war against Lebanon [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 77-92]
  • Lebanon The Role of Imam Musa Sadr and Ayatullah Sistani in Regard with the political coherence of Multicultural society of Lebanon and Iraq [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 61-82]
  • Lebanon The model of socialization of Shiite minorities; re-reading the experience of Lebanon and Nigeria [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 29-54]
  • Leftism Recognizing intellectual trends in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2007, Pages 45-70]
  • Legal Freedom Obstacles to the realization of freedom in society from the perspective of the Quran [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 79-98]
  • Legislative Freedom The relationship between divine sovereignty and human sovereignty In accepting or rejecting God's legislative will [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 35-56]
  • Legitimate Violence Critique and evaluation of the essentialist theory of violence in Islam with emphasis on the views of non-Muslim thinkers [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 129-150]
  • Leo Strauss Strauss and the methodology of understanding Islamic political philosophy [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2004, Pages 17-34]
  • Letter of Tansar Political Thought in Sassanid Texts [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 101-122]
  • Liberty-Limiting Principles John Stuart Mill and the uniqueness Liberty-Limiting Principle [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2017, Pages 109-130]
  • Libya Feasibility Study of ISIS's Return to Libya in the light of the Civil War [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 125-148]
  • Life Scope Function of the anthropological approach to understanding of Muslim thinkers’ political ideaک Case study: Sheikh Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 119-142]
  • Luck A Critical Review on the Bases of Freedom Justification in Liberal Thought [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 169-191]


  • Machiavelli A Different View towards the Relationship between Ethics and Politics [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 35-62]
  • Mahdi Bazargan Argumentation or rejection? A critical review of the latest theories of Mahdi Bazargan [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 297-312]
  • Majority Votes Validity of the council in fatwas and rulings [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 51-75]
  • Malice Jurisprudential study of the characteristics of prostitution and overthrow [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 26-42]
  • Malik Ashtar Governor Behaviorology in Imam Ali's letter to Malik Ashtar (Contextual analysis of behavioral statements with content analysis method) [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 73-94]
  • Malik Bennabi An Introduction to the Political Theology of Civilization in the Thought of Malik Bannabi [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 101-125]
  • Malkom-Khan The forerunners of secularism in Iran [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 245-260]
  • Manoto Reading the strategic confrontation of Persian-language networks with the theory of resistance (with emphasis on BBC Persian and Manoto) [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 175-200]
  • Mantaqat al -Faraq The Foundations of Political Theory on the Authority of Nation on Itself [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2018, Pages 167-184]
  • Marriage rights Women's political independence in political participation [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 77-98]
  • Marxism The forerunners of Shiite seminary schools in confronting with Western philosophy [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 155-182]
  • Media Policy The relationship between media policy and foreign policy Case study: A confrontational study of Iranian and American English-language newspapers [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 153-178]
  • Medina al-Nabi The theoretical foundations of the Prophet’s political and governmental behavior: An overview of Allameh Tabataba’ee’s Qur’anic thoughts [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 33-52]
  • Medina al-Nabi Prophethood, Shari'a, and Law [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 53-76]
  • Medina al-Nabi The relationship between religion and politics from the perspective of the Prophet [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 77-96]
  • Medina al-Nabi Justice in the Prophet’s state [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 173-185]
  • Member of Parliament Analysis of the approval system of the credentials in the Islamic Consultative Assembly with emphasis on the optimal pattern [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 100-125]
  • Mesbah Yazdi The geometry (distribution and concentration) of power, citing the views of some contemporary jurisprudents [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 85-102]
  • Methodology Farabi's methodology of civil science [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 97-133]
  • Methodology The political thought methodology of the west of the Islamic civilization [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 67-95]
  • Methodology Methodology crisis in political sciences [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 153-174]
  • Methodology Globalization and the fate of discourses conflicts:A critical study of the discourse analysis of globalization [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 37-62]
  • Methodology The political thought of Averroes [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 239-268]
  • Methodology Critical realism of Sadrian philosophy [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 93-30]
  • Methodology Strauss and the methodology of understanding Islamic political philosophy [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2004, Pages 17-34]
  • Methodology System’s necessity and requirements in government’s jurisprudence approach [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 75-100]
  • Middle East A Perspective of the Relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia: Probable Scenarios [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 101-128]
  • Middle East Development of “Intelligent Strategic Depth” of Islamic Republic of Iran in Middle East [Volume 20, Issue79, 2017, Pages 75-102]
  • Middle East Britain's Middle East policy in the post Brexit period Case study: British-Israeli relations [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 99-126]
  • Middle East The polarization of regional security and the geopolitical Chaos in the Middle East [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 51-76]
  • Middle East Comparative reading of the level of foreign policy analysis in the Middle East from the theories of international relations perspective (With an emphasis on the theory of discourse) [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 35-58]
  • Middle East The Islamic Revolution in the research of the Turkish academic community [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 77-106]
  • Middle East The Cycle of Reproduction of Conflicting Identities in the Middle East [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 131-156]
  • Middle East Comparative Middle-Eastern Policies of Trump and Biden: From Military Balance to Offshore Balance [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 237-269]
  • Middle East The Performance of the Arab League Regarding the Situation in Syria: From Membership Suspension to Reinstatement [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 167-194]
  • Military The nature and typology of the principle of separation in war and jihad based on Islamic texts and international law [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 55-76]
  • Mill A Critical Review on the Bases of Freedom Justification in Liberal Thought [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 169-191]
  • Mina Disaster or Incident: The Approach of the Media in Iran and Saudi Arabia in Dealing with the Mina [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 55-82]
  • Mina Catastrophe A Review on the Legal Capacities in Response to the Catastrophe of Mina [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 83-100]
  • Mina disaster A Clarification of the Impact of the Civil Crisis in the Saudi Arabia on the Occurrence and Management of the Disaster of Mina [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 7-32]
  • Mirdamad The theological foundations of the Shiite political thought from Mirdamad's viewpoint [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 213-230]
  • Mirza Aghakhan Kermani The forerunners of secularism in Iran [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 245-260]
  • Mirza Qomi Rejection of "constitutional monarchy" theory; Mirza Qomi and the political rule in absence era [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2019, Pages 103-120]
  • Mirza Shirazi Strategies of the Seminary of Samarra towards Politics [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 39-70]
  • Mirza-ye Qumi Mirza-ye Qumi and the Qajar kings [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 73-84]
  • Modarres The political behavior of Ayatollah Modarres from Imam Khomeini's viewpoint [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 113-127]
  • Modarres Haj-Agha Noor-Alla Najafi’s and Shahid Modarres’s measures to defend the Iranian security [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2006, Pages 153-168]
  • Modern Need for religion in modern society: With an emphasis on law and morality [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 173-204]
  • Modern Seminary intellectualism [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 29-60]
  • Modern Typology of caliphate-centrism in the contemporary Islam; A comparative study of the ideas of Rashid Reza, Hassan al-Banna, and Ali Abd Al-Raziq [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 169-194]
  • Modernized Typology of caliphate-centrism in the contemporary Islam; A comparative study of the ideas of Rashid Reza, Hassan al-Banna, and Ali Abd Al-Raziq [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 169-194]
  • Modern State State, Huma, and Pedagogy in the Political Thought of Jaspers: (An Ontological Approach to the Modern State) [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 91-112]
  • Mohammad Hussein Naini A Comparative Study of Government in Naini and Motahhari Political Thought [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 117-140]
  • Mohammed Arkoun A Comparative Critical Analysis of Jabri’s Arabic Reason and Arkoun’s Islamic Reason, and their Political Implications [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 183-206]
  • Mohaqeq e- Khuee The Ideas of Saheb e- Javaher, Imam Khomeini and Mohaqeq e- Khuee in relation to the Authorities of Vali ye- Faqih [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2018, Pages 77-98]
  • Molla Sadra Molla Sadra’s Utopia, Quiddity, principles and properties [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 61-82]
  • Monotheistic Worldview Reading political culture from Ayatollah Khamenei’s opinion [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 126-150]
  • Montazeri The geometry (distribution and concentration) of power, citing the views of some contemporary jurisprudents [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 85-102]
  • Morality The Moral Function of Political Institutions and Its Developmental Implications for Iran [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 42-73]
  • Moral responsibility Collective responsibility from Imam Ali’s point of view (AS) in Nahj al-Balagha [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 24-50]
  • Moral value The Tenets of the Theory of Global and Self-Sufficient Moral Value of Justice [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 7-24]
  • Morteza Motahhari A Comparative Study of Government in Naini and Motahhari Political Thought [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 117-140]
  • Motahhari The Relationship between Tradition and Modernity in the Political Thought of Ayatollah Motahhari [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2013, Pages 29-54]
  • Motealiyeh political philosophy The Status of Prophet and Philosopher in the Political Thought of Sadr al-Moteallehin [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 119-140]
  • Muhammad (pbuh) The security discourse of the Prophet (pbuh) [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 81-106]
  • Mulla Ahmad Naraghi Welayat-e Faqih from the viewpoint of Ibn-i Fahad Helli [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 159-173]
  • Mulla Sadra Transcendental politics and guiding government according to Mulla Sadra [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 53-83]
  • Mulla Sadra Sadraian anthropology and its impact on the authentication of Willayat-e Faqih [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 139-157]
  • Muslim authorities The intellectual Political Islamic Trends after 2003 [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 75-98]
  • Muslim groups The intellectual Political Islamic Trends after 2003 [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 75-98]
  • Muslim philosophers Favorable System in Political View of Haji Molla Hadi Sabzevari and Seyed Jafar Kashfi [Volume 20, Issue79, 2017, Pages 53-74]
  • Muslim thinkers Typology of caliphate-centrism in the contemporary Islam; A comparative study of the ideas of Rashid Reza, Hassan al-Banna, and Ali Abd Al-Raziq [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 169-194]


  • Na’eeni Justice in Constitutional Movement [Volume 8, issue 29, 2005, Pages 99-112]
  • Nahj AL-Balagha Collective responsibility from Imam Ali’s point of view (AS) in Nahj al-Balagha [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 24-50]
  • Nahj AL-Balagha Institutionalization of the Prophetic tradition in Alawite rule [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 31-50]
  • Nahj AL-Balagha The role of government in establishing institutions of political socialization from the perspective of Nahj al-Balagha [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 7-34]
  • Naini Common aspects of public in Naini thought [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 51-72]
  • Najaf seminary Najaf seminary schools’ attitude towards the idea of intellectualism [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 103-122]
  • Najaf Ulama Najaf seminary schools’ attitude towards the idea of intellectualism [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 103-122]
  • Nasihat-ol-Molouk God-caliphate and God-king discourses in Imam Muhammad Ghazali’s Nasihat-ol-Molouk [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2018, Pages 107-132]
  • Nasireddin Albany The Study of the Development of Scientific Selfie Movement in Egypt in 70’s A.C [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 141-159]
  • Nasr Allah al-Munshi A Comparative Analysis of the Critical Dialogues with the Power in the Section of the King and Fanza in Translations and Paraphrases of Kalila and Demna (The Stories of Bidpai, Bahramshahi Kalila and Demna, and Anwar Suhayli) [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 113-138]
  • Nation Analyzing the content of the concept “people” in Imam Khomeini’s political thought [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 7-34]
  • Nation Takfir Ideology; Characteristics and the Ways of Dealing with it [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 99-127]
  • National Cohesion The process of building national cohesion in Iran: a historical-sociological approach [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 165-184]
  • National Front A comparative study of the behaviour of the National Front nationalists and the Freedom Movement in the transitory government of the Islamic Revolution [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 171-186]
  • Nationalization of Oil Industry Analytical ability of structural and institutional theory to analyze Iran's activism in the two events of "nationalization of the oil industry" and "Barjam" [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 79-100]
  • National Security Imam Ali’s security measures [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 107-120]
  • National Security National security and political freedom [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 153-170]
  • National Security Ethnicity and its dimensions in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2006, Pages 195-212]
  • National Security The Political and Social Implications of Securitizing Protests in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 233-263]
  • National security of Iran The Spread of Excommunicationist Terrorism as a Malign Problem, and the Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 139-164]
  • National Will Functions of national will in the face of the forthcoming crises of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 127-146]
  • Natural Law Assessing the compatibility of "social justice" and "development" [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 7-34]
  • Natural Right Humanism and rightness [Volume 8, issue 29, 2005, Pages 7-28]
  • Nāʾīnī Trust as a Foundation of Equality (in Nāʾīnī’s Thought) [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 31-50]
  • Need of Civilization The ratio of "consciousness", "identity" and "power" in the problems of civilization in the Islamic world; (Examining the roots of the lack of "self-observation" among Muslim elites) [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 73-90]
  • Nekayeh and Enhak Takfir Ideology; Characteristics and the Ways of Dealing with it [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 99-127]
  • Neo- Ottoman The Reason of Failure on Interpretation of Justice and development party Considered as a Paradigm in Favor of the World of Islam [Volume 20, Issue79, 2017, Pages 133-152]
  • Network of Power Velayat-e faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist) as a political system; A plan for studying a political guardianship [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 93-118]
  • News Network Ideological Representations in Media: A Study of the Media Coverage of the Developments of JCPOA after America’s Exist until Iran’s Final Steps in Reducing Its Commitments [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 107-130]
  • Nigeria The model of socialization of Shiite minorities; re-reading the experience of Lebanon and Nigeria [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 29-54]
  • Nigeria Studying the structure and organization of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria and its impact on the spread of Shiism in Nigeria [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 55-78]
  • Norman Fairclough Application of the Discourse of Commitment and the Problem of Autonomy in the Iranian Paintings of 1960s and 1970s [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 147-172]
  • Nuclear File Identity foundations of the US foreign policy toward the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear file: a constructivist analysis [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 151-171]


  • Offshore balancing Comparative Middle-Eastern Policies of Trump and Biden: From Military Balance to Offshore Balance [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 237-269]
  • Ontological Security The foundations of Zionism and Israel's ontological insecurity [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 75-100]
  • Ontological Security The Impact of the Ontological View of Security on Iran’s Strategic Depth [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 37-64]
  • Ontology The impact of modernity on the foundations of political thought during the Qajar period [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 7-28]
  • Originality of Existence Anthropology in Transcendental Political Philosophy [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 105-138]
  • Oslo Treaty Successive peace treaties for the gradual elimination of Palestinian identity 1978-2007 [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 183-212]
  • Ottoman Caliphate Typology of caliphate-centrism in the contemporary Islam; A comparative study of the ideas of Rashid Reza, Hassan al-Banna, and Ali Abd Al-Raziq [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 169-194]
  • Outlook The role of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in changing the global geometry of power, emphasizing its strategic potential [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 59-84]


  • Pahlavi Reflections on the power-transfer developments from the Qajars to the Pahlavis [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 129-147]
  • Palestine Foreign Policy Scenarios of the Islamic Republic of Iran Regarding the Palestinian [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 119-146]
  • Palestine An Analysis of the Relations between Persian Gulf Arab Countries and Israel from Divergence to Convergence [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 204-232]
  • Paradigm Paradigms of Science: Is Political Science of Paradigm? [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2014, Pages 109-132]
  • Parliament Analysis of the approval system of the credentials in the Islamic Consultative Assembly with emphasis on the optimal pattern [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 100-125]
  • Participation The role of neighborhoodism in achieving the characteristics of good governance (Case study: Social councils of Mashhad neighborhoods) [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 143-164]
  • Passion Obstacles to the realization of freedom in society from the perspective of the Quran [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 79-98]
  • Paternalism John Stuart Mill and the uniqueness Liberty-Limiting Principle [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2017, Pages 109-130]
  • Path "Divine unity" and "human multiplicity" from the perspective of political and civilizational theology [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 57-78]
  • Peace Literature Melody of Peace Literature in Chaos Geopolitics [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 150-175]
  • People Islamic government versus secular government [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 127-144]
  • People The Responsibility of Democratic Government Pertaining to the Political Cooperation of People in View of Holy Quran [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2014, Pages 7-34]
  • People The Principle of Absence of Wilayat and Rights of People [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2014, Pages 7-26]
  • People Analyzing the content of the concept “people” in Imam Khomeini’s political thought [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 7-34]
  • People The role of the Shia school in transforming the idea of ​​political progress into good and collective action [(Articles in Press)]
  • People's Guardianship The pattern of religious democracy, the basis of political engineering of the Islamic system [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 27-50]
  • Perfect Man Transcendental philosophy and evolutionism in mysticism and politics [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 187-205]
  • Peripheral doctrine Normalization of Arab countries' relations with the Zionist regime and its security consequences for the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 101-124]
  • Persian Gulf A Perspective of the Relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia: Probable Scenarios [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 101-128]
  • Persian Gulf countries Normalization of Arab countries' relations with the Zionist regime and its security consequences for the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 101-124]
  • Pharaonic politics Politics and religion in Iqbal’s poetry [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 269-286]
  • Plato The Relationship between Wisdom and the Citizens of Utopia in view of Plato and Farabi [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 91-105]
  • Policy Authority An Analysis of the Cultural Policy Making of the Islamic Republic of Iran: disadvantages and strategies; Emphasizing the concept of "authority" (Marjaiyyat) [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 159-178]
  • Policy Thinking Function of the anthropological approach to understanding of Muslim thinkers’ political ideaک Case study: Sheikh Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 119-142]
  • Political The concept and mechanisms of the realization of social justice [Volume 7, issue 26, 2004, Pages 163-185]
  • Political Behavior The political behavior of Ayatollah Modarres from Imam Khomeini's viewpoint [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 113-127]
  • Political Behavior The theoretical foundations of the Prophet’s political and governmental behavior: An overview of Allameh Tabataba’ee’s Qur’anic thoughts [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 33-52]
  • Political Behavior The relationship between peace and justice and freedom in the thought and political behavior of Imam Ali (as) [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 61-78]
  • Political Conflict Feasibility Study of ISIS's Return to Libya in the light of the Civil War [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 125-148]
  • Political currents A Study of the Relation between the Fragile State and the Spread of Salafism in Yemen [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 193-216]
  • Political development A Study of the Role of Identity Acts in Political Engagement of Iranian Women [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 188-217]
  • Political Diplomacy The soft power of the Islamic Republic of Iran in public diplomacy with rival countries [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 141-166]
  • Political Engineering The pattern of religious democracy, the basis of political engineering of the Islamic system [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 27-50]
  • Political Ethics The Link between Justice and Moderation in Islamic Political Ethics With an emphasis on the Alawi Sira [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 25-46]
  • Political Ethics The role of Imam Khomeini's political ethics in the efficiency of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 107-126]
  • Political Ethics Political ethics and the efficiency of the political system [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 125-142]
  • Political Fiqh Political Fiqh syllabus [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 39-68]
  • Political Fiqh Welayat-e Faqih from the viewpoint of Ibn-i Fahad Helli [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 159-173]
  • Political Fiqh International relations jurisprudence [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 19-36]
  • Political freedom National security and political freedom [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 153-170]
  • Political freedom The right of Freedom of Speech in View of Holy Quran [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2018, Pages 7-32]
  • Political freedom The Civilization Approach to Political Freedom in the Holy Quran [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 11-32]
  • Political freedom Obstacles to the realization of freedom in society from the perspective of the Quran [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 79-98]
  • Political Intelligence Designing a Model for the Political Intelligence of the Managers of Governmental Companies in terms of the Effective Governance Model [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 7-36]
  • Political justice. Democracy. Political equality. Ebaheh. Absence of Wilayat Political Justice in View of Quran and Narrations:A Reflection on the Political Justice [Volume 19, Issue76, 2016, Pages 53-84]
  • Political legitimacy Multifaceted Legitimacy, a Reflection on the Foundations of Legitimacy of Political System within the Conduct and Speech of Imam Ali -PBUH- [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2014, Pages 27-52]
  • Political Morality Political Morality Approaches in Islam [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 141-158]
  • Political Participation Women's political independence in political participation [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 77-98]
  • Political Participation A Sociological Study of the Relation between Virtual Social Networks and Political Participation [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 51-74]
  • Political Participation Human Development and Its Political Implications in Governance (The Case of the Islamic Republic of Iran) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 173-196]
  • Political Power The Objectives and Function of Favorable Political Power in View of Holy Quran [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 7-34]
  • Political Power The reasons for not adhering to political power and its control mechanisms From Imam Ali's point of view [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 143-160]
  • Political Power Making Shiite ijtihad jurisprudence and the issue of power with emphasis on the jurisprudential school of Baghdad and Hilla [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 79-100]
  • Political rights Women's political independence in political participation [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 77-98]
  • Political Science Crisis in political sciences in Iran [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 95-112]
  • Political Science Politics: demystifying a mysterious concept [Volume 8, issue 29, 2005, Pages 112-126]
  • Political Science The Methodology of Fundamental Theory and Its Function Concerning the Political Science [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2013, Pages 103-132]
  • Political Science Paradigms of Science: Is Political Science of Paradigm? [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2014, Pages 109-132]
  • Political Science The Integration of Three Islamic Political Sciences and the development in the Theory of Wilayat e- Faqih [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2018, Pages 31-50]
  • Political Science The functional theory of the bridge between political science and political governance in Iran after the Islamic revolution [(Articles in Press)]
  • Political Security Security in the Quran [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 59-80]
  • Political Security Political security of individuals and its realization from the perspective of the Holy Quran [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 179-198]
  • Political stability Investigating the dimensions of political instability in new Iraq; The role of the conflict between particular and general groups in ethnic-religious violence [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 63-92]
  • Political structure The functional theory of the bridge between political science and political governance in Iran after the Islamic revolution [(Articles in Press)]
  • Political System The functions of the political system in the Prophet’s society [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 157-172]
  • Political System The Position of Political system in the philosophical Views towards Language: Symbolic, Pictorial and Applied [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2014, Pages 75-108]
  • Political System Political Moderation Relying on Alavi Though [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2016, Pages 127-144]
  • Political System Civil Authority of Clericalism and its Modern Challenges [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2017, Pages 49-72]
  • Political System Political Cooperation in Non-Democratic Systems (Systems of Wilayat, Caliphate and Sultanate) [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2018, Pages 7-30]
  • Political System Velayat-e faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist) as a political system; A plan for studying a political guardianship [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 93-118]
  • Political System System’s necessity and requirements in government’s jurisprudence approach [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 75-100]
  • Political System Political ethics and the efficiency of the political system [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 125-142]
  • Political System A Theoretical Introduction to New Approaches to Resolution of Political Conflicts [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 123-146]
  • Political System The Political and Social Implications of Securitizing Protests in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 233-263]
  • Political System A Quranic Formulation of Deterrence Policy in the face of Military Threats [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 93-127]
  • Political thought The political thought methodology of the west of the Islamic civilization [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2002, Pages 67-95]
  • Political thought The political thought methodology of the west of the Islamic civilization [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 67-95]
  • Political thought The political behavior of Ayatollah Modarres from Imam Khomeini's viewpoint [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 113-127]
  • Political thought The inadequacy of Rawls' moral interpretation of "liberalism" [Volume 7, issue 26, 2004, Pages 53-74]
  • Political thought The role of immaculacy in the political thoughts of Bu Ali Sina [Volume 7, issue 26, 2004, Pages 105-115]
  • Political thought The foundations of obeying a ruler in the Shiite political thought [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 117-142]
  • Political thought The Criticism and Study of National Benefit Thought in the Area of Political Thought of Islam [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 157-183]
  • Political thought The Function of Political Thematology in Imam Khomeini’s Jurisprudential Method and Responding to Political Issues [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 33-60]
  • Political thought Refa’eh Tahtavi’s Political Thought in the Historical Context of Egypt in 19Th Centry, a Criticism on common interpretasion [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2014, Pages 75-90]
  • Political thought The Relationship between Tradition and Modernity in the Political Thought of Ayatollah Motahhari [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2013, Pages 29-54]
  • Political thought Rationalism and Elective Imamate in the Political View of Mu’tazilites [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 23-54]
  • Political thought The Identity of Political Thought of Hafez, Rend e-Shiraz [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 69-90]
  • Political thought The Theory of Government in the Political View of Supreme Leader [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2018, Pages 145-166]
  • Political thought The impact of modernity on the foundations of political thought during the Qajar period [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 7-28]
  • Political thought Political Thought in Sassanid Texts [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 101-122]
  • Political thought A New Perspective on the System of Islamic Political Rationality [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 250-283]
  • Political thought The Intertextuality of Prophetic Hadiths and Its Place in Abū al-Ḥasan al-Māwardī’s Political Thought in Laws of the Vizierate [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 49-88]
  • Political Thought Analyzing the content of the concept “people” in Imam Khomeini’s political thought [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 7-34]
  • Politics Conceptual Revolution of the Idea of Politics in Iran with the Emphasis on the First Iranian Texts [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 39-67]
  • Politics Wellayat-e Faqih in the Islamic Wisdom [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 127-148]
  • Politics A study of four theories on the relationship between ethics and politics [Volume 7, issue 26, 2004, Pages 141-162]
  • Politics Politics: demystifying a mysterious concept [Volume 8, issue 29, 2005, Pages 112-126]
  • Politics Secularism and religious government: Critical review of a theory [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 27-74]
  • Politics An introduction to modern political thoughts [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2007, Pages 125-140]
  • Politics The relationship between Sharia and politics from the perspective of transcendental philosophy [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 159-186]
  • Politics Transcendental philosophy and evolutionism in mysticism and politics [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 187-205]
  • Politics A Different View towards the Relationship between Ethics and Politics [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 35-62]
  • Politics The Ashoora Movement and our Religious and Political Rationality [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 31-60]
  • Politics Dynamic Ejtehad, the Approach of Revolutionary Howzeh [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2017, Pages 73-100]
  • Politics The place of honesty in Suhrawardi political thought [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 91-112]
  • Politics Foreign Policy Scenarios of the Islamic Republic of Iran Regarding the Palestinian [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 119-146]
  • Politics Strategies of the Seminary of Samarra towards Politics [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 39-70]
  • Positivism Critical realism of Sadrian philosophy [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 93-30]
  • Post-Brexit Britain's Middle East policy in the post Brexit period Case study: British-Israeli relations [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 99-126]
  • Postmodernism Islamist discourse versus postmodernity [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 187-198]
  • Power The relationship between power and Shari’a in the Prophet’s behavior [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 11-32]
  • Power The relationship between religion and politics from the perspective of the Prophet [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 77-96]
  • Power Anthropology in Transcendental Political Philosophy [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 105-138]
  • Power Political Supervision on Power in Alawit Thought [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 7-32]
  • Power Issue of Power in Holy Quran in View of the Interpretation of “Fi Rihab al- Quran al-karim” by Ayatollah Asefi [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2014, Pages 7-27]
  • Power The strategy for readiness against the enemy in reading 60th verse of Surah Al-Anfal [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 103-122]
  • Power A Comparative Analysis of the Critical Dialogues with the Power in the Section of the King and Fanza in Translations and Paraphrases of Kalila and Demna (The Stories of Bidpai, Bahramshahi Kalila and Demna, and Anwar Suhayli) [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 113-138]
  • Practical Reason The Link between Justice and Moderation in Islamic Political Ethics With an emphasis on the Alawi Sira [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 25-46]
  • Presidency Jurisprudential and Legal Investigation of Execution of Presidency decree in the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Constitution [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2014, Pages 33-54]
  • Press The Representation of Freedom in the Press during the Constitutionalist Era in Iran through van Leeuwen’s Model [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 222-245]
  • Press TV Ideological Representations in Media: A Study of the Media Coverage of the Developments of JCPOA after America’s Exist until Iran’s Final Steps in Reducing Its Commitments [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 107-130]
  • Principle of Separation The nature and typology of the principle of separation in war and jihad based on Islamic texts and international law [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 55-76]
  • Promised Land The foundations of Zionism and Israel's ontological insecurity [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 75-100]
  • Prophetic hadiths The Intertextuality of Prophetic Hadiths and Its Place in Abū al-Ḥasan al-Māwardī’s Political Thought in Laws of the Vizierate [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 49-88]
  • Prophetic tradition Institutionalization of the Prophetic tradition in Alawite rule [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 31-50]
  • Prostitution Jurisprudential study of the characteristics of prostitution and overthrow [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 26-42]
  • Protection Assessing the applicability of the human rights doctrine of "responsibility to protect" in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the jurisprudential basis of " Uniting the Hearts " [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 167-190]
  • Protests The Political and Social Implications of Securitizing Protests in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 233-263]
  • Proximity of Religions The pathology of the discourse of poximity of religions [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 7-30]
  • Public Policy An Analysis of the Cultural Policy Making of the Islamic Republic of Iran: disadvantages and strategies; Emphasizing the concept of "authority" (Marjaiyyat) [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 159-178]
  • Public Policy Big Data and Public Policy [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 151-172]


  • Qajar Reflections on the power-transfer developments from the Qajars to the Pahlavis [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 129-147]
  • Qajar Mirza-ye Qumi and the Qajar kings [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 73-84]
  • Qajar era Favorable System in Political View of Haji Molla Hadi Sabzevari and Seyed Jafar Kashfi [Volume 20, Issue79, 2017, Pages 53-74]
  • Qajar era The impact of modernity on the foundations of political thought during the Qajar period [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 7-28]
  • Quran Security in the Quran [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 59-80]
  • Quran Validity of the council in fatwas and rulings [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 51-75]
  • Quran Critique and evaluation of the essentialist theory of violence in Islam with emphasis on the views of non-Muslim thinkers [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 129-150]
  • Quranism The contexts and necessities of realizing the modern Islamic civilization from the viewpoint the civilizationists [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 123-150]
  • Qur’an War and peace from a Qur’anic perspective [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2006, Pages 51-74]


  • Rashid Reza Typology of caliphate-centrism in the contemporary Islam; A comparative study of the ideas of Rashid Reza, Hassan al-Banna, and Ali Abd Al-Raziq [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 169-194]
  • Rationality Need for religion in modern society: With an emphasis on law and morality [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 173-204]
  • Rationality Religious and seminary intellectualism: motivations and perspectives [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 83-102]
  • Rationality Governance , tyranny of bureaucracy and Strong government [(Articles in Press)]
  • Rawelz Eternal Peace in the Pluralistic Universe [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2017, Pages 89-107]
  • Rawls The inadequacy of Rawls' moral interpretation of "liberalism" [Volume 7, issue 26, 2004, Pages 53-74]
  • Rawls The Global Poverty and the Global Justice [Volume 19, Issue76, 2016, Pages 171-202]
  • Readability of Justice Social justice and its relation to distributive justice [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 7-24]
  • Readiness The strategy for readiness against the enemy in reading 60th verse of Surah Al-Anfal [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 103-122]
  • Reason A method of political thought based on the teachings of Peripatetic philosophers [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 135-151]
  • Regan’s plan Successive peace treaties for the gradual elimination of Palestinian identity 1978-2007 [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 183-212]
  • Regional crisis Resistance Strategy as Iran’s Geopolitical Turn in the Age of Regional Crises [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 27-50]
  • Regionalism Pattern Expansion of knowledge-based regionalism in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Normative structure and institutional and social requirements [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 31-54]
  • Regulation Molla Sadra’s Utopia, Quiddity, principles and properties [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 61-82]
  • Relationship The relationship between power and Shari’a in the Prophet’s behavior [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 11-32]
  • Religion Sayed Jamal's political, philosophical, and religious thought [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 212-221]
  • Religion Wellayat-e Faqih in the Islamic Wisdom [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 127-148]
  • Religion Secular and religious rationality [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 261-284]
  • Religion National security and political freedom [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 153-170]
  • Religion Religious intellectuals and conventionalization of religion [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2007, Pages 11-44]
  • Religion Recognizing intellectual trends in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2007, Pages 45-70]
  • Religion An evaluation of Fazl-al-Rahman’s ideas about the reconstruction of Ijtihad in religion [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2007, Pages 71-124]
  • Religion Need for religion in modern society: With an emphasis on law and morality [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 173-204]
  • Religion Religion and government [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 113-132]
  • Religio-Nationalists A comparative study of the behaviour of the National Front nationalists and the Freedom Movement in the transitory government of the Islamic Revolution [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 171-186]
  • Religious Agents Obstacles to the realization of freedom in society from the perspective of the Quran [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 79-98]
  • Religious Authority The Relationship between “Vali-e Faghih” and Religious Authority (Reviewing the Classical and Modern Patterns and Theories) [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 61-90]
  • Religious Democracy The Foundations of Legitimacy of the Islamic Governmnet (with a Focus on Ayatollah Khamenei’s Opinions) [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 7-30]
  • Religious Democracy .The Proposed Paradigm for the Statement of Ayatollah Khamenei’s Religious Democracy Theory [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 55-74]
  • Religious Democracy The pattern of religious democracy, the basis of political engineering of the Islamic system [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 27-50]
  • Religious Government Secularism and religious government: Critical review of a theory [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 27-74]
  • Religious Government The scope of religious government [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 221-244]
  • Religious Government Political Systems in Shiite Jurisprudence and Measuring their Potentiality Concerning the Political Contribution [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2014, Pages 35-56]
  • Religious Government The Islamic Revolution in the research of the Turkish academic community [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 77-106]
  • Religious Guardianship The pattern of religious democracy, the basis of political engineering of the Islamic system [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 27-50]
  • Religious Knowledge Wellayat-e Faqih in the Islamic Wisdom [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 127-148]
  • Religious Rationality The Ashoora Movement and our Religious and Political Rationality [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 31-60]
  • Resistance Economics Foundations and Factors for Realizing Social Change In the statement of the second step of the revolution [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 79-96]
  • Resistance Front The position and goals of the Islamic resistance from the perspective of commentators; Emphasizing the verses of jihad [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 59-74]
  • Resistance Identity Identity Politics and New Social Movements [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 119-140]
  • Resistance Theory Reading the strategic confrontation of Persian-language networks with the theory of resistance (with emphasis on BBC Persian and Manoto) [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 175-200]
  • Responsibilities of the Velayat Institution The Relationship between “Vali-e Faghih” and Religious Authority (Reviewing the Classical and Modern Patterns and Theories) [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 61-90]
  • Retribution The Criterion of Human Dignity in the Thoughts of Kant and Allameh Jafari; within the Framework of Three Humanist, Adjunct and Potential Humanity Theories [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 91-118]
  • Revelation Critical realism of Sadrian philosophy [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 93-30]
  • Revivalism The process of formation of "found" identity and "constructed" identity in Salafism and political Islam [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 35-60]
  • Revolutionary Activism The pathology of the discourse of poximity of religions [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 7-30]
  • Revolutionary Howzeh Dynamic Ejtehad, the Approach of Revolutionary Howzeh [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2017, Pages 73-100]
  • Revolutionary Howzeh Revolutionary Howzeh and Propagation of Islamic Revolution Culture [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2017, Pages 101-124]
  • Revolutionary Spirituality Representing the Signs of Political Action in Revolutionary Spirituality; A Case Study of Spirituality Studies in the Discourse of the Islamic Revolution [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 57-78]
  • Right Right-basedness of modernity and duty-basedness of tradition [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 17-27]
  • Right A religious approach to the critisizablity of government and criticality of the society [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 143-172]
  • Right The Responsibility of Democratic Government Pertaining to the Political Cooperation of People in View of Holy Quran [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2014, Pages 7-34]
  • Rights Moretza Motahari’s theory of the right [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 151-167]
  • Right to Be Wrong The relationship between divine sovereignty and human sovereignty In accepting or rejecting God's legislative will [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 35-56]
  • Right to peace The Effects and Consequences of Rights-Based Approach to Peace in Governance: A Study from the perspective of International and Islamic Documents [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 130-162]
  • Ritual theory of divine revelation Ritual of divine revelation Evolutionary theory of political philosophy in explaining revelation and its relation to government and law [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 43-70]
  • Rojhan-e Afghah The Relationship between “Vali-e Faghih” and Religious Authority (Reviewing the Classical and Modern Patterns and Theories) [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 61-90]
  • Ruling Validity of the council in fatwas and rulings [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 51-75]
  • Russel Models of democracy [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2002, Pages 255-269]
  • Russel Models of democracy [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 255-270]
  • Russia Russia’s goals and security strategy for the Syrian crisis [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 143-168]


  • Sadraian thought The nature, the necessity, and the basics of criticism in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 15-44]
  • Sadr al-Moteallehin e- Shirazi The Status of Prophet and Philosopher in the Political Thought of Sadr al-Moteallehin [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 119-140]
  • Sadr ol-Mote'allehin Ethical policies in the thoughts of Sadr ol-Mote'allehin [Volume 7, issue 26, 2004, Pages 27-52]
  • Saheb e- Javaher The Ideas of Saheb e- Javaher, Imam Khomeini and Mohaqeq e- Khuee in relation to the Authorities of Vali ye- Faqih [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2018, Pages 77-98]
  • Said Nursi Governing in Political View of Said Nursi and its Effect on the Contemporary Islamism in Turkey [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2017, Pages 125-148]
  • Salafi Jihadism Jihadist Salafism’s geopolitical worldview and the geopolitical future of Western Asia, with an emphasis on Iraq and Syria developments [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 35-62]
  • Salafism Jihadist groups’ approach to the clear text (Nas); referring directly to the clear text as a means to put together text and action [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2018, Pages 157-176]
  • Salafism Seyyed Jamal, Salafism and Westernist Modernism: A Pathological View [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 113-128]
  • Salafism The process of formation of "found" identity and "constructed" identity in Salafism and political Islam [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 35-60]
  • Salafism A Study of the Relation between the Fragile State and the Spread of Salafism in Yemen [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 193-216]
  • Sassanid era Political Thought in Sassanid Texts [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 101-122]
  • Saud The Impact of the Political System and the Power Structure of the Saudi Arabia on the Disaster of Mina [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 33-54]
  • Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia and Hegemonic Encountering with Islamic Awareness in Persian Gulf -Case study: Bahrain- [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 133-156]
  • Saudi Arabia A Clarification of the Impact of the Civil Crisis in the Saudi Arabia on the Occurrence and Management of the Disaster of Mina [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 7-32]
  • Saudi Arabia A Perspective of the Relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia: Probable Scenarios [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 101-128]
  • Saudi Arabia Feasibility of Dispute Settlement in the Disaster of Mina: A Legal Strategy, Or a Diplomatic Agreement [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 129-150]
  • Saudi Arabia The War between Yemen and Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula (2016-2015) [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 129-149]
  • Saudi Arabia Analyzing the Regional Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of the Changing Actions of Saudi Arabian Political Officials (2010-2018) [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 103-128]
  • Saudi Arabia government A Review on the Legal Capacities in Response to the Catastrophe of Mina [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 83-100]
  • Saudi press Disaster or Incident: The Approach of the Media in Iran and Saudi Arabia in Dealing with the Mina [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 55-82]
  • Saudi regime A Clarification of the Impact of the Civil Crisis in the Saudi Arabia on the Occurrence and Management of the Disaster of Mina [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2016, Pages 7-32]
  • Science and Technology Iran and Strategic Multilateralism Based on Science Diplomacy: A Comparative Study of the Presence of Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia in International Science and Technology Organizations [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 121-158]
  • Science And Technology Diplomacy Pattern Expansion of knowledge-based regionalism in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Normative structure and institutional and social requirements [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 31-54]
  • Science Diplomacy Iran and Strategic Multilateralism Based on Science Diplomacy: A Comparative Study of the Presence of Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia in International Science and Technology Organizations [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 121-158]
  • Science Policy Making Iran and Strategic Multilateralism Based on Science Diplomacy: A Comparative Study of the Presence of Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia in International Science and Technology Organizations [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 121-158]
  • Science Production Iran and Strategic Multilateralism Based on Science Diplomacy: A Comparative Study of the Presence of Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia in International Science and Technology Organizations [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 121-158]
  • Scientific Cooperation Iran and Strategic Multilateralism Based on Science Diplomacy: A Comparative Study of the Presence of Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia in International Science and Technology Organizations [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 121-158]
  • Scientism The contexts and necessities of realizing the modern Islamic civilization from the viewpoint the civilizationists [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 123-150]
  • Searle and Austin model Analyzing the speech actions of Imam Khomeini’s Will; based on Searle and Austin model [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2019, Pages 53-78]
  • Second Step The pathology of the discourse of poximity of religions [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 7-30]
  • Second Step Statement Representing the Signs of Political Action in Revolutionary Spirituality; A Case Study of Spirituality Studies in the Discourse of the Islamic Revolution [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 57-78]
  • Second Step Statement Foundations and Factors for Realizing Social Change In the statement of the second step of the revolution [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 79-96]
  • Second Step Statement Iran's Foreign Policy Requirements in the Second Step Statement [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 175-200]
  • Section on the King and Fanza A Comparative Analysis of the Critical Dialogues with the Power in the Section of the King and Fanza in Translations and Paraphrases of Kalila and Demna (The Stories of Bidpai, Bahramshahi Kalila and Demna, and Anwar Suhayli) [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 113-138]
  • Security Strategy Russia’s goals and security strategy for the Syrian crisis [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 143-168]
  • Self-Founding Society The model of socialization of Shiite minorities; re-reading the experience of Lebanon and Nigeria [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 29-54]
  • Selfieh The Study of the Development of Scientific Selfie Movement in Egypt in 70’s A.C [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 141-159]
  • Self-Observation The ratio of "consciousness", "identity" and "power" in the problems of civilization in the Islamic world; (Examining the roots of the lack of "self-observation" among Muslim elites) [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 73-90]
  • Seminary of Samarra Strategies of the Seminary of Samarra towards Politics [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 39-70]
  • September 11 Melody of Peace Literature in Chaos Geopolitics [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 150-175]
  • September 11th Jihad: From Ibn Taymiyyah to Bin Laden [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2006, Pages 169-194]
  • Seyyed Ahmad Khansari Comparison of the affairs and powers of the ruling jurist in the thought of Imam Khomeini and Seyyed Ahmad Khansari [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 127-152]
  • Seyyed Jamal Seyyed Jamal, Salafism and Westernist Modernism: A Pathological View [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 113-128]
  • Seyyed Qutb Seyyed Qutb and the contemporary Islamism [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 171-190]
  • Shahid Sadr Najaf seminary schools’ attitude towards the idea of intellectualism [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 103-122]
  • Shari'a The relationship between power and Shari’a in the Prophet’s behavior [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 11-32]
  • Shari'a Prophethood, Shari'a, and Law [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 53-76]
  • Shari'a The functions of the political system in the Prophet’s society [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 157-172]
  • Shari’a The relationship between religion and politics from the perspective of the Prophet [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 77-96]
  • Sheikh Fazlollah Noori Justice in Constitutional Movement [Volume 8, issue 29, 2005, Pages 99-112]
  • Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaki Studying the structure and organization of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria and its impact on the spread of Shiism in Nigeria [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 55-78]
  • Shi'a The theological foundations of the Shiite political thought from Mirdamad's viewpoint [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 213-230]
  • Shiism The roots of the West’s worries about the Islamic Revolution:With an emphasis on the Shiite geopolitics [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 111-124]
  • Shiism Sadraian anthropology and its impact on the authentication of Willayat-e Faqih [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 139-157]
  • Shiite discourse Genealogy of the fields of pacifism in the Shiite discourses of the time of presence based on discourse actions related to the behavior of Imam Ali (AS) [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 71-92]
  • Shiite geopolitics The roots of the West’s worries about the Islamic Revolution:With an emphasis on the Shiite geopolitics [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 111-124]
  • Shiite Ijtihad Jurisprudence Making Shiite ijtihad jurisprudence and the issue of power with emphasis on the jurisprudential school of Baghdad and Hilla [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 79-100]
  • Shiite jurisprudence The Role of Imam Musa Sadr and Ayatullah Sistani in Regard with the political coherence of Multicultural society of Lebanon and Iraq [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 61-82]
  • Shiite jurisprudence The Political Action of Ayatollah Khuee with Ba'ath Party in Iraq [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2018, Pages 127-151]
  • Shiite Minorities The model of socialization of Shiite minorities; re-reading the experience of Lebanon and Nigeria [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 29-54]
  • Shiite political jurisprudence Capacity to build the structure of Shiite political jurisprudence in the ideal political system [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2019, Pages 7-28]
  • Shiite political jurisprudence Regularity and Measurements of Intelligent Activities in Shiite Political Jurisprudence [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 51-76]
  • Shiite political thought Jurisprudents and tyrannical governments [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 85-96]
  • Shiites Studying the structure and organization of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria and its impact on the spread of Shiism in Nigeria [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 55-78]
  • Shiite school The foundations of obeying a ruler in the Shiite political thought [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 117-142]
  • Shiite theology The theological foundations of the Shiite political thought from Mirdamad's viewpoint [Volume 6, issue 22, 2003, Pages 213-230]
  • Showra-consultation- The Responsibility of Democratic Government Pertaining to the Political Cooperation of People in View of Holy Quran [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2014, Pages 7-34]
  • Shura Shura: Between text and historical experience [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 199-216]
  • Shura Validity of the council in fatwas and rulings [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 51-75]
  • Shura and constitutionalism Shura: Between text and historical experience [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 199-216]
  • Shura and democracy Shura: Between text and historical experience [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 199-216]
  • Sira Alawi The concept of justice and the requirements for its implementation According to the Alawi Sira [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 161-182]
  • Skinner The Identity of Political Thought of Hafez, Rend e-Shiraz [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 69-90]
  • Social Councils Of Mashhad Neighborhoods The role of neighborhoodism in achieving the characteristics of good governance (Case study: Social councils of Mashhad neighborhoods) [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 143-164]
  • Social Disruptions Examine the style of Imam Ali's (A.S.) confrontation to social active disruptions [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 119-142]
  • Social Integration The process of building national cohesion in Iran: a historical-sociological approach [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 165-184]
  • Social Life The theoretical foundations of the Prophet’s political and governmental behavior: An overview of Allameh Tabataba’ee’s Qur’anic thoughts [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 33-52]
  • Social Movements Identity Politics and New Social Movements [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 119-140]
  • Social Non-Movements Identity Politics and New Social Movements [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 119-140]
  • Social Privileges Examine the style of Imam Ali's (A.S.) confrontation to social active disruptions [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 119-142]
  • Social responsibility An Analysis of the Theme of Jihad in Ayatollah Khamenei’s View [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 75-106]
  • Social rights Women's political independence in political participation [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 77-98]
  • Sociology Imam Khomeini’s method of leadership and Weber’s control [Volume 8, issue 29, 2005, Pages 147-184]
  • Socratic philosophy The Components of Perception of Islamic Political Philosophy [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2014, Pages 29-44]
  • Solidarity Explaining the principle of purposeful cooperation in the foreign policy of the Islamic State [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 7-30]
  • Special Work Functions of national will in the face of the forthcoming crises of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 127-146]
  • Spirituality Religious and seminary intellectualism: motivations and perspectives [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 83-102]
  • Spirituality Representing the Signs of Political Action in Revolutionary Spirituality; A Case Study of Spirituality Studies in the Discourse of the Islamic Revolution [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 57-78]
  • Springs’s crisis theory Rational intellect in Iranshahri’s thought; comparing “Tanassor” to “Siyasatnameh” [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2019, Pages 121-146]
  • State Religion and state from the viewpoints of Hobbs, Locke, and Kant [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 165-194]
  • State Conducts of the Prophet: The pathology of government [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2006, Pages 139-155]
  • State A religious approach to the critisizablity of government and criticality of the society [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 143-172]
  • Strategy of Unity and Transformation.  The pathology of the discourse of poximity of religions [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 7-30]
  • Strauss The Impact of Jewish Theology on Strauss’s Political Philosophy [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 95-118]
  • Structural Theory of International Relations Analytical ability of structural and institutional theory to analyze Iran's activism in the two events of "nationalization of the oil industry" and "Barjam" [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 79-100]
  • Structure The interaction of Ethics and politics [Volume 7, issue 26, 2004, Pages 13-26]
  • Suhrawardi Function of the anthropological approach to understanding of Muslim thinkers’ political ideaک Case study: Sheikh Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 119-142]
  • Suhrawardi The place of honesty in Suhrawardi political thought [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 91-112]
  • Sunnis Critique of Quranic principles and arguments "Theory of government" Muhammad Ahmad Khalafullah [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 93-116]
  • Sunnite political thought Reducing justice to security in the ancient Iranian thought [Volume 9, issue 33, 2006, Pages 133-152]
  • Sunnites The Position and the Role of Asha’ri pertaining to the Foundation of Sunnites’ Political Theology [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2013, Pages 55-82]
  • Supervision A religious approach to the critisizablity of government and criticality of the society [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 143-172]
  • Supervision Political Supervision on Power in Alawit Thought [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 7-32]
  • Supervision Jurisprudential Analysis of the Islamic Government’s Duties towards Worships [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 159-175]
  • Supreme Council of National Security A Constitutional approach to security [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 285-296]
  • Supreme leader The Study of Delegation of Authority by the Jurisdiction and the Necessity of Sustaining the Justice by the Managers [Volume 19, Issue76, 2016, Pages 101-122]
  • Supreme leader The Strategies of Utilizing the Opportunities, Controlling and Decreasing the Political Threats of the World of Islam in View of Supreme Leader [Volume 20, Issue79, 2017, Pages 7-28]
  • Supreme leader The Process of Ideation Analysis around the Representative of the (office of) of the Supreme Leader in the second period of the Islamic Republic [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 99-120]
  • Supreme leader The Process of Ideation Analysis around the Representative of the (office of) of the Supreme Leader in the second period of the Islamic Republic [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 7-34]
  • Surah Al-Ahzab Ethical-political pathology of Society and strategies to achieve a desirable Islamic society based on Surah Al-Ahzab [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 7-23]
  • SWOT Islamic Wakefulness and the Foreign Policy of Islamic Republic of Iran, Opportunities, Threats and Strategies [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2016, Pages 145-168]
  • SWOT model Islamic Wakefulness and the Foreign Policy of Islamic Republic of Iran, Opportunities, Threats and Strategies [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2016, Pages 145-168]
  • Syria Analyzing the Role of Conceptual and Identity Elements on the Development of Salafi in Iraq and Syria [Volume 20, Issue79, 2017, Pages 153-180]
  • Syria Russia’s goals and security strategy for the Syrian crisis [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 143-168]
  • Syria The Performance of the Arab League Regarding the Situation in Syria: From Membership Suspension to Reinstatement [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 167-194]
  • Syrian crisis Media Activity in the Syrian Crisis: A Comparative Study of Media Positions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the European Union [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 157-182]
  • System System’s necessity and requirements in government’s jurisprudence approach [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 75-100]
  • Systematization System’s necessity and requirements in government’s jurisprudence approach [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 75-100]
  • Systemic Approach The Systemic Approach and the Issue of Efficiency of Islamic Republic of Iran System Emphasizing on the Capacities of Institution of Wilayat [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2013, Pages 7-28]
  • Systemic Integration The process of building national cohesion in Iran: a historical-sociological approach [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 165-184]


  • Takdfiri salafism The Investigation of Takfiri Salafism Effects on Islamic awakening [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2014, Pages 75-90]
  • Takfir Jihadist groups’ approach to the clear text (Nas); referring directly to the clear text as a means to put together text and action [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2018, Pages 157-176]
  • Takfiri movements The position and goals of the Islamic resistance from the perspective of commentators; Emphasizing the verses of jihad [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 59-74]
  • Taliban An Account of Iran’s Economic Diplomacy Strategy in Post-Taliban Afghanistan [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 268-300]
  • Technology Sayed Jamal's political, philosophical, and religious thought [Volume 6, issue 24, 2003, Pages 212-221]
  • Technology Big Data and Public Policy [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 151-172]
  • Terminology Politics: demystifying a mysterious concept [Volume 8, issue 29, 2005, Pages 112-126]
  • Terrorism The meaning ambiguities of terrorism [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2006, Pages 181-198]
  • Terrorism Reviewing the Characteristics of Islamic Government in Iraq and Sham –Daesh- : Realizing the Intellectual, Political and Social Grounds [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2014, Pages 75-108]
  • Terrorism Analysis of the attitude of governments in favor and against of Chinese government policies towards Xinjiang Muslims [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 147-168]
  • The Abrahams Accords The Abraham Accords, Iran’s Activity in Western Asia, and the United States’ Extra-Regional Intervention [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 65-90]
  • The Holy Quran The Civilization Approach to Political Freedom in the Holy Quran [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2019, Pages 11-32]
  • The Islamic Revolution The role of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in changing the global geometry of power, emphasizing its strategic potential [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 59-84]
  • The Islamic World Melody of Peace Literature in Chaos Geopolitics [Volume 23, Issue 92, 2020, Pages 150-175]
  • Thematic analysis An Analysis of the Theme of Jihad in Ayatollah Khamenei’s View [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 75-106]
  • The New Geometry of Power The role of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in changing the global geometry of power, emphasizing its strategic potential [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 59-84]
  • Theocratic Order Velayat-e faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist) as a political system; A plan for studying a political guardianship [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 93-118]
  • Theology of Civilization An Introduction to the Political Theology of Civilization in the Thought of Malik Bannabi [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 101-125]
  • Theorizing Islamic Revolution of Iran and the Necessity of Theorizing [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 127-144]
  • Theory of Responsibility Assessing the applicability of the human rights doctrine of "responsibility to protect" in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the jurisprudential basis of " Uniting the Hearts " [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 167-190]
  • Theory of the discourse of commitment Application of the Discourse of Commitment and the Problem of Autonomy in the Iranian Paintings of 1960s and 1970s [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 147-172]
  • The Power Of Loose Links Pattern Expansion of knowledge-based regionalism in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Normative structure and institutional and social requirements [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 31-54]
  • The reasion of governance Governance , tyranny of bureaucracy and Strong government [(Articles in Press)]
  • The Statement Of The Second Step Of The Revolution Pattern Expansion of knowledge-based regionalism in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Normative structure and institutional and social requirements [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 31-54]
  • The Third Way Seyyed Jamal, Salafism and Westernist Modernism: A Pathological View [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 113-128]
  • The United States of America Identity foundations of the US foreign policy toward the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear file: a constructivist analysis [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 151-171]
  • Thomas Cohen. 1. The present article would be part of the research project under the title of “A prelude to the philosophy of political science on the basis of Islamic philosophy” in the political sciences and thought institute Paradigms of Science: Is Political Science of Paradigm? [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2014, Pages 109-132]
  • Tiyar Sadri The intellectual Political Islamic Trends after 2003 [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 75-98]
  • Tools The Ashoora Movement and our Religious and Political Rationality [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 31-60]
  • Traditional Typology of caliphate-centrism in the contemporary Islam; A comparative study of the ideas of Rashid Reza, Hassan al-Banna, and Ali Abd Al-Raziq [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 169-194]
  • Transcendental Philosophy The role of Transcendental Philosophy in framing Islamic political thought [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 9-22]
  • Transcendental Philosophy Mulla Sadra and Martin Heidegger: An anthropological analysis in political philosophy [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 23-51]
  • Transcendental Philosophy The relationship between Sharia and politics from the perspective of transcendental philosophy [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 159-186]
  • Transcendental Philosophy Transcendental philosophy and evolutionism in mysticism and politics [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 187-205]
  • Transcendental Political Philosophy Transcendental politics and guiding government according to Mulla Sadra [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 53-83]
  • Transcendental Political Philosophy Anthropology in Transcendental Political Philosophy [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 105-138]
  • Transcendental Politics Mulla Sadra and Martin Heidegger: An anthropological analysis in political philosophy [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 23-51]
  • Transcendent Philosophy The Relationship between Transcendent Theosophy and the Islamic Political Philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 7-22]
  • Treaty The Identity of Political Thought of Hafez, Rend e-Shiraz [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 69-90]
  • Trump Comparative Middle-Eastern Policies of Trump and Biden: From Military Balance to Offshore Balance [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 237-269]
  • Truth Secularism and religious government: Critical review of a theory [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 27-74]
  • Turkey The Islamic Revolution in the research of the Turkish academic community [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 77-106]
  • Tyrant ruler Comparative Study of the Legitimacy of Disobedience of Tyrant Rulers in the Political Jurisprudence of Shi’ah and Sunnite [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 107-125]


  • Uighur Analysis of the attitude of governments in favor and against of Chinese government policies towards Xinjiang Muslims [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 147-168]
  • Ultimate Cause The relationship between divine sovereignty and human sovereignty In accepting or rejecting God's legislative will [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 35-56]
  • United States of America The Abraham Accords, Iran’s Activity in Western Asia, and the United States’ Extra-Regional Intervention [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 65-90]
  • Uniting The Hearts Assessing the applicability of the human rights doctrine of "responsibility to protect" in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the jurisprudential basis of " Uniting the Hearts " [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 167-190]
  • Universalism The contexts and necessities of realizing the modern Islamic civilization from the viewpoint the civilizationists [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 123-150]
  • Uprising Pathology of political power in view of Holy Quran [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2013, Pages 7-34]
  • Uprising “Uprising” in the thoughts of Zaidiyyah and Imam Khomeini: a comparative study [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 35-58]
  • Uprising Comparative Study of the Legitimacy of Disobedience of Tyrant Rulers in the Political Jurisprudence of Shi’ah and Sunnite [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 107-125]
  • USA The relationship between media policy and foreign policy Case study: A confrontational study of Iranian and American English-language newspapers [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 153-178]
  • USA The polarization of regional security and the geopolitical Chaos in the Middle East [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 51-76]
  • Utilitarianism Explaining the principle of purposeful cooperation in the foreign policy of the Islamic State [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 7-30]
  • Utilitarianism The Tenets of the Theory of Global and Self-Sufficient Moral Value of Justice [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 7-24]
  • Utopia Molla Sadra’s Utopia, Quiddity, principles and properties [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2013, Pages 61-82]


  • Vahabism Ideological Investigation of Takfiri-Vahabi Group of Iraq and Syria’s Islamic Government –DAESH- [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2013, Pages 133-154]
  • Vali-e-Faqih The Process of Ideation Analysis around the Representative of the (office of) of the Supreme Leader in the second period of the Islamic Republic [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 99-120]
  • Vela Network Vela Network, a Design Derived from the Paradigm of Qur’anic Society in View of Ayatollah Mohammad Mahdi Asefi [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 1-29]
  • Velayat The Relationship between “Vali-e Faghih” and Religious Authority (Reviewing the Classical and Modern Patterns and Theories) [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 61-90]
  • Velayat-e Faqih Comparison of the affairs and powers of the ruling jurist in the thought of Imam Khomeini and Seyyed Ahmad Khansari [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 127-152]
  • Velayat-e-Faqih The Process of Ideation Analysis around the Representative of the (office of) of the Supreme Leader in the second period of the Islamic Republic [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2020, Pages 99-120]
  • Velayat-e-Faqih The Process of Ideation Analysis around the Representative of the (office of) of the Supreme Leader in the second period of the Islamic Republic [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 7-34]
  • Verbal Conflict Analysis The relationship between media policy and foreign policy Case study: A confrontational study of Iranian and American English-language newspapers [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 153-178]
  • Violence A religious approach to the critisizablity of government and criticality of the society [Volume 11, issue 42, 2008, Pages 143-172]
  • Violence Investigating the dimensions of political instability in new Iraq; The role of the conflict between particular and general groups in ethnic-religious violence [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 63-92]
  • Violence Critique and evaluation of the essentialist theory of violence in Islam with emphasis on the views of non-Muslim thinkers [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 129-150]
  • Violence Jurisprudential study of the characteristics of prostitution and overthrow [Volume 24, Issue 95, 2021, Pages 26-42]
  • Virtuous City Al-Fārābī’s Methodology in Islamization of Islamic Philosophy [Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 8-37]
  • Voice of America Ideological Representations in Media: A Study of the Media Coverage of the Developments of JCPOA after America’s Exist until Iran’s Final Steps in Reducing Its Commitments [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 107-130]


  • Way "Divine unity" and "human multiplicity" from the perspective of political and civilizational theology [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2020, Pages 57-78]
  • Welayat-e Faqih Welayat-e Faqih from the viewpoint of Ibn-i Fahad Helli [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 159-173]
  • Wellayat The principle of the Inexistence of Wellayat [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 63-72]
  • Wellayat Wellayat-e Faqih in the Islamic Wisdom [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 127-148]
  • Wellayat-e Faqih The foundations of the legitimacy of Wellayat-e Faqih [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 45-61]
  • Wellayat-e Faqih The legitimacy and acceptability of Wellayat-e Faqih from Imam Khomeini's Viewpoint [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 111-126]
  • Wellayat-e Faqih Wellat-e Faqih and the constitution [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 149-158]
  • Wellayat-e Faqih The foundations of Wellayat-e Faqih [Volume 7, issue 25, 2004, Pages 175-201]
  • West Africa Studying the structure and organization of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria and its impact on the spread of Shiism in Nigeria [Volume 22, Issue 88, 2019, Pages 55-78]
  • West Asia Jihadist Salafism’s geopolitical worldview and the geopolitical future of Western Asia, with an emphasis on Iraq and Syria developments [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2018, Pages 35-62]
  • West Asia Normalization of Arab countries' relations with the Zionist regime and its security consequences for the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 101-124]
  • West Asia The Four-Dimensional Dialectic of Transition to Regional Convergence: A Case Study of Western Asia [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 119-142]
  • West Asian region Analyzing the Regional Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of the Changing Actions of Saudi Arabian Political Officials (2010-2018) [Volume 26, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 103-128]
  • Western Asia The Abraham Accords, Iran’s Activity in Western Asia, and the United States’ Extra-Regional Intervention [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 65-90]
  • Westernism Recognizing intellectual trends in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2007, Pages 45-70]
  • Westernization The ratio of "consciousness", "identity" and "power" in the problems of civilization in the Islamic world; (Examining the roots of the lack of "self-observation" among Muslim elites) [Volume 24, Issue 93, 2021, Pages 73-90]
  • Western philosophy The forerunners of Shiite seminary schools in confronting with Western philosophy [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2008, Pages 155-182]
  • Wilayat The Study of Delegation of Authority by the Jurisdiction and the Necessity of Sustaining the Justice by the Managers [Volume 19, Issue76, 2016, Pages 101-122]
  • Wilayat e- Faqih Confirmation of Wilayat e- Faqih via Direct Reasoning and Proof by Reductio ad Absurdum [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 95-114]
  • Wilayat e- Faqih The Integration of Three Islamic Political Sciences and the development in the Theory of Wilayat e- Faqih [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2018, Pages 31-50]
  • Wilayat-e Faqih The Islamic Revolution in the research of the Turkish academic community [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 77-106]
  • Wilayat of Faqih The Foundations of Political Theory on the Authority of Nation on Itself [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2018, Pages 167-184]
  • Willayat Sadraian anthropology and its impact on the authentication of Willayat-e Faqih [Volume 11, issue 43, 2008, Pages 139-157]
  • Wisdom The Relationship between Wisdom and the Citizens of Utopia in view of Plato and Farabi [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2013, Pages 91-105]
  • Worships Jurisprudential Analysis of the Islamic Government’s Duties towards Worships [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2016, Pages 159-175]


  • Xinjiang Analysis of the attitude of governments in favor and against of Chinese government policies towards Xinjiang Muslims [Volume 24, Issue 94, 2021, Pages 147-168]


  • Yemen The War between Yemen and Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula (2016-2015) [Volume 20, issue 77, 2017, Pages 129-149]
  • Yemen A Crisis-Based Approach to the Intellectual Backgrounds of the Establishment of Ansar Allah Movement in Yemen [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 143-160]
  • Yemen A Study of the Relation between the Fragile State and the Spread of Salafism in Yemen [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 193-216]
  • Youthism Youthism in Imam Ali (A.S.) Government [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2019, Pages 95-118]


  • Zaidiyyah “Uprising” in the thoughts of Zaidiyyah and Imam Khomeini: a comparative study [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2016, Pages 35-58]
  • Zarathustra Political Thought in Sassanid Texts [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 101-122]
  • Zaydism A Crisis-Based Approach to the Intellectual Backgrounds of the Establishment of Ansar Allah Movement in Yemen [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 143-160]
  • Zionism The crisis of secularism in the Islamic world [Volume 8, issue 32, 2005, Pages 195-220]
  • Zionism The foundations of Zionism and Israel's ontological insecurity [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2020, Pages 75-100]
  • Zionist regime Normalization of Arab countries' relations with the Zionist regime and its security consequences for the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 96, 2021, Pages 101-124]